Top 10 Ways To Have A Good Time At Grand Prix D.C.

9. Enter the event! Why come to a Grand Prix, if you’re not going to enter in it? Don’t have a team? Don’t worry! A JSS event will be held on Sunday and plenty of younger players will turn out early, most of which will be teamless. This will provide you with a plethora of players to select from, as well as the few other players who turn out to watch the event. The tournament will also be held in a highly populated area with many people with which you could teach to play and have join up with you. This will also help increase the community of players and longevity of the game.

April 16-18! Mark these days on your calendar folks, because Dream Wizards and Star City Events are preparing one stellar Grand Prix in Washington, D.C.! Team Limited has always been a favorite format of mine, so I decided to make sure and have a Grand Prix of this format. With $25,000.00 in winnings in the Grand Prix alone to be given out, we look forward to drawing a huge number for this event. Grand Prix Columbus broke the previous North American Grand Prix record, by queuing up 854 players. Dream Wizards and Star City Events would like to decimate this record, and we feel we have the staff and means to not only break the record, but do it in a highly successful and well organized matter. A lot of work goes into running a Grand Prix, and I’m here to tell everyone about just a few of the things we do to ensure a well organized and fun event. I’m also going to give a top ten list of ways to have a good time at Grand Prix D.C.!

First off, we know how much everyone loves to play Ravager Affinity right now, so we’re going to do our best to have all of the cards that are in that deck, as well as sideboard, available to as many people as possible. In addition, we plan on having an incredible amount of foils with us that are sure to be excellent eye candy additions to any Ravager Affinity deck. I mean lets face it, if you’re not playing expensive lands and foils in your deck, then you’re just not even really playing. For anyone playing some off-the-wall deck that no one expects and would still like to dazzle up, then fear not. We plan on making some of the most obscure foils available to all of you rogue deck designers and players.

Star City Events and Dream Wizards will be using a top-notch staff to run this event. We have a long list of individuals who wish to assist us, but we use a strict and scrutinizing means to reduce the throng of hopefuls to a much smaller amount. Thus far, we have a team of experts who will be able to quickly exchange entrance into the Grand Prix for your money. These individuals are also adept at providing change, and giving you a form to fill out your decks. Judges will be present for the event and willing to enforce rules during sanctioned play. Some judges will also be on hand to enforce rules for casual and non-sanctioned play as well, but with a required fee that’s to be determined, based on the complexity of the rules question. We plan on offering tables for our events and chairs, as well as a judges area and room for side events.

Top 10 Ways To Have A Good Time At Grand Prix D.C.

10. Purchase lots of standard singles. Especially foil ones. Things like Arcbound Ravagers, Chrome Moxen, Oblivion Stones, Solemn Simulacrums, Decree of Justices, Exalted Angels, Wrath of Gods, Birds of Paradise, Goblin Piledrivers, Viridian Zealots, Blinkmoth Nexi, Darksteel Colossi, Akroma’s Vengeances, Onslaught Fetchlands, Skullclamps, Guru lands, Damping Matrix, Akromas, and many others, will be sure to put a smile on your face. There really is no reason not to purchase excessive amounts of any of the above mentioned cards and if you don’t see something above that would make you smile, then feel free to ask any of our friendly staff about other pricey and fun selections. They’ll be glad to help.

9. Enter the event! Why come to a Grand Prix, if you’re not going to enter in it? Don’t have a team? Don’t worry! A JSS event will be held on Sunday and plenty of younger players will turn out early, most of which will be teamless. This will provide you with a plethora of players to select from, as well as the few other players who turn out to watch the event. The tournament will also be held in a highly populated area with many people whom you could teach to play and have join up with you. This will also help increase the community of players and longevity of the game.

8. Enter as many side events as possible! In the highly unlikely event that you’re unable to find partners to team with you for the Grand Prix, then try a side event. Booster drafts and many other events will be held for the entire duration of the event, so sign up as soon as you can and as often as you can. More events equals more experience and that equals becoming a better player.

7. Bring a trade binder! This Grand Prix is bound to have a large turnout with many players showing up. Plenty of players means plenty of trading and this will help you get rares to sell to us and make money to buy the rares you need. Check out our buylists for prices and trade the day away till the cows come home.

6. Four words – North American Championship Qualifier! Not only will we be offering a North American Championship slot, but you can go ahead and add three more slots onto that, for a total of four slots. The NAC, held each year, is giving away $2,500, which is more than you get for finishing in first place at the Grand Prix.

5. People who draw Magic cards will be there. Yes indeed, we will be having artists Ron Spears and Adam Rex, attending the event and signing cards for players. These two artists have combined to draw many of the staple cards of the game and some of the most memorable ones as well. Make sure to check out these sites for more information on which cards you should have ready to get signed. and

4. Become a judge! Level III Judge Sheldon Menery will be in attendance offering a wealth of knowledge and opportunity, to those who wish to become judges. Have you ever been wrong on a rule and ridiculed by your friends and fellow players? Then suffer no more! Become a judge and wield the mighty power of the rules to embarrass your friends and confuse others with”the stack.”

3. Meet famous pro players and featured writers! Many of the names you see here on our site, are bound to be showing up for this event. In addition, many of the famous pro players who frequent the Pro Tour will be in attendance, as well. This can offer the average player several opportunities to get staple cards signed by the people who made them as famous as they are today. Bring your Sharpies!

2. Bring your Five! A 5-Color Magic World Championship is going to be held, along with the East Coast Vintage Championships and a Pro Tour Seattle Qualifier. If you’ve never had the opportunity to witness a game of 5-Color Magic, then you’re in for a treat. If you don’t know what 5-Color Magic is, then I’ll let the site that spawned it all, do the talking. Just check out for the insane fun that is 5-Color Magic.

Drum roll please…

And the Number One way to have a good time at Grand Prix D.C. is….

1. You get to meet me… Pete Hoefling! No, I’m being silly. The best thing about an event of this caliber, is the chance to meet so many other players of this game and get in some casual games. Have a deck that needs testing and can’t find enough games to see if it’s viable? Just look around you then. There will be hundreds of players in attendance, who will be doing the same thing – looking for a good game! The best part about this though, is when you do decide on a final deck and realize that you don’t have all the cards you need, you can purchase them directly from us – At The Event! Now how awesome is that?

So in closing, make sure and mark, April 16-18, on your calendars and plan to be at the Dulles Expo Center in Chantilly, VA, for one of the most memorable Grand Prix experiences you could ever have!