The Richmond ComiCon – Full Information!

[GENERAL INFORMATION] What kind of collectables are bought, sold and traded at the Richmond ComiCon? Plenty! Comic Books (Golden Age to present!) Original Artwork! Magic the Gathering & Other Gaming Cards! Non-Sport Cards! Japanese Animation! Pokemon! Buffy The Vampire Slayer! Dragonball Z! Yu-Gi-Oh! Mage Knight! Hero Clix! Star Wars & Star Trek related items! Action…


What kind of collectables are bought, sold and traded at the Richmond ComiCon? Plenty!

  • Comic Books (Golden Age to present!)
  • Original Artwork!
  • Magic the Gathering & Other Gaming Cards!
  • Non-Sport Cards!
  • Japanese Animation!
  • Pokemon!
  • Buffy The Vampire Slayer!
  • Dragonball Z!
  • Yu-Gi-Oh!
  • Mage Knight!
  • Hero Clix!
  • Star Wars & Star Trek related items!
  • Action Figures & Statues!
  • Toys!
  • Posters!
  • T-Shirts!
  • Much more!


    This show is in the process of being rescheduled
    NEW LOCATION! – Comfort Inn and Conference Center
    3200 West Broad St. Richmond VA
    Guests to be announced!
    Time: 10 am. – 4 p.m.
    Admission: $4.00 per person (under 6 is free!)
    For directions, please call 1.804.359.4061


    NEW! The Richmond ComiCon now offers a designated area for on-site CCG and collectible miniature gaming! Magic the Gathering, Yu-Gi-Oh!, Lord of the Rings, Mage Knight, Hero Clix, MechWarrior, Dragonball Z and more! Come play and trade* your favorite games all day long!

    *Please note that buying and selling is only permitted with our authorized dealers. Players are only permitted to trade amongst themselves.


  • The Richmond ComiCon is Virginia’s biggest and best one day comicon… with an AVERAGE attendance of over five hundred (yes, 500!) fans!
  • There are 50 dealer tables available
  • Cost is $75.00 per table – includes one 6′ ft. table and two chairs. Wall requests can generally be
  • Set up time for dealers is 8 a.m.
  • Please remember that we REQUIRE payment in advance and will not hold ANY tables until they have been paid for in full.

    To reserve dealer space, please contact us and let us know the following:

  • Date of event(s) you wish to attend
  • Number of tables you wish to purchase
  • Any special requests you may have regarding your tables or display
  • Your full contact information including name, mailing address, phone number and e-mail address.
  • How you wish to pay for your table(s)

    Please note that Star City Events accepts checks, money orders, Visa, MC, Discover or PayPal. Anyone wanting
    to PayPal us can send payment to”Mail us at″.

  • Questions? Please ask!


    *** Store Owners! Get Involved With Star City Events!***

    We spend a LOT of money on multimedia advertising for our events. This
    includes all forms of media, but primarily targeted television commercials. Our advertising blitz ends up attracting TONS of people who have never set foot in a comic/game shop before, and with that in mind, we highly suggest that local stores get
    involved with our events. For the cost of one dealer table, a local store
    can physically pass out flyers and business cards to each of our
    attendees… getting the most effective advertising possible for the least
    amount of money. Where else can you spend only $75 and reach 500-1,000
    people who are specifically interested in what you sell?

    Can’t make the show? No problem!

    Support the show by passing out flyers (or
    exhibiting at the show itself) and we will include YOUR complete store
    information within every e-mail that we send out to all attendees. These
    e-mails are generally sent shortly after a show thanking them for attending,
    informing them of the next event in their city and directing them to local
    stores where they can find more of what they found at the show! Another
    e-mail is sent as the next show approaches.

    Here is a excerpt from an e-mail recently sent to Richmond, VA area customers after our last show…

    “Hi all,

    Thank you for attending the Richmond ComiCon!

    If you found some cool stuff at the show… and would like to know where you can find more of the same… we highly recommend contacting the following stores in your area! These are the stores that support us. In return, we ask that you please support them.

    Richmond Comix
    14249 Midlothian Turnpike
    Richmond, VA 23113
    Ph: (804)594-2845


    Others talk about expanding the audience. The Star City Comicon Does It!



    5623 Williamson Rd N.W.
    Roanoke, VA 24012
    Ph: 540.767.4263