
StarCityGames.com Organized Play Update

As both Magic: The Gathering and Wizards of the Coast’s various Organized Play programs continue to evolve, our own offerings continue to adapt to those changes. Today, I’ll discuss each of our In-Store Programs and Organized Play initiatives, and I’ll explain how each is evolving to offer improved player experiences.

Hi friends,

Thanks to an overwhelming amount of support from all tiers of this incredible community, 2015 has been a whirlwind year for StarCityGames.com In-Store
Programs and Organized Play initiatives.

As both Magic: The Gathering and Wizards of the Coast’s various Organized Play programs continue to evolve, our own offerings continue to adapt to those
changes. Today, I’ll discuss each of our In-Store Programs and Organized Play initiatives, and I’ll explain how each is evolving to offer improved player

In-Store Programs

Organized Play

SCG Points

Thank you for your continued support of both StarCityGames.com and our ongoing efforts to complement Wizards of the Coast’s robust Organized Play structure
with our own In-Store Programs and Organized Play initiatives.

Best wishes,

Pete Hoefling

President, StarCityGames.com