
StarCityGames.com is Buying From the Vault: Relics!

StarCityGames.com is Buying From the Vault: Relics!

StarCityGames.com is buying Opened From the Vault: Relics at $65 trade or $50 cash each! Here are the simple instructions for selling these box sets to us!

1) E-mail [email protected] with the following information:

  • The number of OPENED From the Vault: Relics box sets you’d like to trade at $65, or sell at $50 each
  • Your name, address and phone number
  • Preferred payment – Check, Paypal (please include your preferred paypal address!) or Trade ($65 each in trade!)

We’ll e-mail you back with confirmation!

2) Remove the 15 From the Vault: Relics cards and the From the Vault Relics: Die from the packaging – these are the only items that you need to ship to us! Due to our Authorized Internet Retail Agreement, we are not allowed to buy these sets sealed, so they MUST be opened! (This will also significantly reduce your shipping costs!)

3) You can then ship the OPENED From the Vault: Relic box sets to:

ATTN: FTV Relics Buyer
5728 Williamson Road NW
Roanoke, VA 24012

NOTE: Please include a print out of your confirmation email!

Once we receive your OPENED From the Vault: Relics, we’ll send your payment! Trade credit will be sent through e-mail in the form of an electronic gift certificate!

It’s that easy! We are buying a limited amount of OPENED From the Vault: Relics at this price, so send yours in early to get our best price!