MTGCast #184 – MTGeocaching

SCG 10k St. Louis Offers First Chances to Qualify for the 2010 Invitational!
Wednesday, December 9th – In today’s edition of MTGCast, the guys talk about Worldwake, EDH, Planechase, and more!

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MTGCast #184 – MTGeocaching
“You read it somewhere else, but you heard it here first!”

This Week in Magic
The Worldwake spoiler season has begun! We have our first few tidbits about Worldwake with information from a French MTG source with our first largely confirmed card, Smother! We also have hints towards the new Jace with milling abilities, the new keyword nicknamed “Multi-kicker” with a few possible cards and more! Wizards also announces a very cool new way to spoil one of the new planeswalker cards for Worldwake with the “Worldwake Planeswalker Chase” starting Monday, December 14th, with a interesting twist on geocaching. It is confirmed that the January FNM promo is indeed Tidehollow Sculler. EDH banned list update, Grindstone is unbanned and Painter’s Servant is banned! Congratulations to Stan of Deck Builders for winning the Idaho State Championship and our SCG favorite, Bennie Smith, for getting 2nd place at the Virginia State Championship!

What Have We Been Playing?
Tom has finished his Experiment Kraj EDH deck and you can check out the decklist here! Steve is looking at some fun Naya lightsaber-ish standard with exalted creatures like Qasali Pridemage, Acidic Slime, Mold Shambler and more.

Listener Emails

Check out the fantastic video podcast here. Youtube video of Hector’s shotgun taser shell in all of it’s creepy glory.

MTGCast News
Cory Martin is the winner of the Zendikar 4x common / uncommon giveaway for the video contest drawing, just send an email to [email protected] to claim your prize. To give away the other Zendikar 4x common / uncommon set generously donated to us by Jason P at Team Proxy Games, Tom is asking for ideas for a NAME of the new video show! To enter, just email a name idea to Tom at [email protected] and be entered in a random drawing. We welcome DrawGo Radio to the MTGCast network, you can see a listing of their episodes on or check out their website at We are also excited to have another episode from the Immortal Djinn for the Djinn’s Playground. We send our congratulations to Ron Vitale of The Magic Sock who is just published the last episode at a mighty #200! Thanks for all of your work Ron and make sure to check out his new podcast project, The Podd Couple!

To make up for the delay and to celebrate Conley’s money-making at Worlds 2009, we are having another Zendikar booster box giveaway!
– Prizes: 12 prize packs of 3 Zendikar boosters
– Contest: Create one of the missing creatures in the “Morphling” cycle (i.e. Morphling, Torchling, Thornling) and we are open to the black, white, artifact, Planeswalker, hybrid mana, gold (hopefully five color).
– Where to submit: In the comment section, or preferably over in the MTGCast forum in the thread for episode 183.

– Need help with software to create a card mock-up? Check out the thread in the MTGCast forums.

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Tom & Gavin & Jack & Eric & Conley & Steve – Your Monday Night Magic news team!