MTGCast #153 – Galapagos Giveaways!
“You read it somewhere else, but you heard it here first!”
This Week in Magic
Conley Woods joins Tom this week for a great show! We have more in-depth discussion of Alara Reborn impact on Limited, Standard, Block Constructed. Conley gives some great insight and tips on the preparation for Pro Tour: Honolulu. Tom discusses the lack of release announcement for Duels of the Planeswalkers. We point out the upcoming Path of the Planeswalker graphic novel release in October. And we also talk about the unconfirmed WPN promo Marisi’s Twinclaws.
What Have We Been Playing?
Tom is starting to put together his limited EDH deck using Teneb, the Harvester as his general backed up by the awesome Platinum Angel. Conley talks about a weekend of intense Standard testing and prepping for the upcoming Standard GP Seattle and then Block / Limited Pro Tour: Honolulu.
Listener Emails
Email Tom at and Conley at Everyone answered the call for the emails this week and it rocked! We talk about Alara Reborn picks, fun prerelease stories and combos, Extended Cascade, how to sort these crazy mana costs and more.
MTGCast News
Conley tells a very cool story about the generosity of WoTC arranging plane travel to PT Honolulu. Tom gives a shout out to James for an awesome custom art package in the mail including a customized “Booze” token! Last, but not least, we have another giveaway! We are giving away three prize packages (3x Alara Reborn booster, Divine vs Demonic Duel Deck, Alara Reborn Intro pack) and all you need to do is post your favorite Alara Reborn card and why on the comment thread for ep 153 on (direct link to article)!
Giveaway quick details:
What: Favorite Alara Reborn card and why
Prizes: 3x Alara Reborn booster, Divine vs Demonic Duel Deck, Alara Reborn Intro pack
Where: Post your story in the comment section for this episode on (direct link)
Leave a voice mail on our phone line – 469-277-2278
So why wait? Call in with any questions, news items, hints, tricks, combos, or anything!
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