Magicalmetrics – Pro Tour Statistics, 2009-2011

Chris Mascioli collected player data on split-format Pro Tours and culminated the information into helpful Top Ten lists! Who has the highest average money finishes? Who are the best, most consistent performers?

With Pro Tour Philadelphia approaching, there has been an increase in the amount of discussion about the best players of the modern era (especially in regards to PT fantasy drafts), which I define as starting with the introduction of the split-format Pro Tour. Presented below are top 20 lists for a number of different statistics over the 2009-2011 Pro Tour season.*

Top Median Finish**

Players who played in 5 or more Pro Tours from 2009-2011

Players who played in 9 or more Pro Tours from 2009-2011

Top Average Finish

Players who played in 5 or more Pro Tours from 2009-2011

Players who played in 9 or more Pro Tours from 2009-2011

Average Money Earned Per Event***

Players who played in 5 or more Pro Tours from 2009-2011

Players who played in 9 or more Pro Tours from 2009-2011

Average Pro Points Earned Per Event

Players who played in 5 or more Pro Tours from 2009-2011

Players who played in 9 or more Pro Tours from 2009-2011

The following table compares players’ rank in median finish in relation to their rank in average money earned per PT. As can be seen by the (very) low r^2 value, there is basically no correlation between the two.

Chris Mascioli

Chrism315 on modo
@dieplstks on Twitter (Follow me!!/dieplstks)

*Events included: Nagoya, Paris, Worlds 2010, San Diego, San Juan, Amsterdam, Worlds 2009, Austin, Kyoto, and Honolulu.

**A median is the number that separates the higher half of a sample from the lower half. For instance, in the set {1, 1, 3, 4, 7} the median is 3 (and the average is 3.2).

***All amounts in USD