Drafting With Rich – Shards of Alara #10

Draft With Rich Hoaen every day... at StarCityGames.com!
Monday, November 24th – Canadian Draft maestro Rich Hoaen returns to the pages of StarCityGames.com. Each day, he brings us a triple Shards of Alara draft from Magic Online, from pick 1 to pick 45, sharing his insight on the more difficult picks along the way. For more in-depth analysis, visit the forums!

Pack 1 pick 1:

My Pick:

Pack 1 pick 2:

My Pick:

Pack 1 pick 3:

My Pick:

Pack 1 pick 4:

My Pick:

Pack 1 pick 5:

My Pick:

Pack 1 pick 6:

My Pick:

Pack 1 pick 7:

My Pick:

Pack 1 pick 8:

My Pick:

Pack 1 pick 9:

My Pick:

Pack 1 pick 10:

My Pick:

Pack 1 pick 11:

My Pick:

Pack 1 pick 12:

My Pick:

Pack 1 pick 13:

My Pick:

Pack 1 pick 14:

My Pick:

Pack 1 pick 15:

My Pick:

Pack 2 pick 1:

My Pick:

Pack 2 pick 2:

My Pick:

Pack 2 pick 3:

My Pick:

Pack 2 pick 4:

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Pack 2 pick 5:

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Pack 2 pick 6:

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Pack 2 pick 7:

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Pack 2 pick 8:

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Pack 2 pick 9:

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Pack 2 pick 10:

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Pack 2 pick 11:

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Pack 2 pick 12:

My Pick:

Pack 2 pick 13:

My Pick:

Pack 2 pick 14:

My Pick:

Pack 2 pick 15:

My Pick:

Pack 3 pick 1:

My Pick:

Pack 3 pick 2:

My Pick:

Pack 3 pick 3:

My Pick:

Pack 3 pick 4:

My Pick:

Pack 3 pick 5:

My Pick:

Pack 3 pick 6:

My Pick:

Pack 3 pick 7:

My Pick:

Pack 3 pick 8:

My Pick:

Pack 3 pick 9:

My Pick:

Pack 3 pick 10:

My Pick:

Pack 3 pick 11:

My Pick:

Pack 3 pick 12:

My Pick:

Pack 3 pick 13:

My Pick:

Pack 3 pick 14:

My Pick:

Pack 3 pick 15:

My Pick:

This draft converter created by Benjamin Peebles-Mundy.
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Algae Gharial
Soul’s Fire
Oblivion Ring
2 Cavern Thoctar
Resounding Roar
Ridge Rannet
Flameblast Dragon
2 Court Archers
Druid of the Anima
Jungle Weaver
Incurable Ogre
Welkin Guide
Caldera Hellion
Hissing Iguanar
Wild Nacatl
2 Gift of the Gargantuan
Titanic Ultimatum
Yoked Plowbeast
Bant Panorama
Naya Panorama
2 Plains
6 Mountain
7 Forest

This draft was pretty tricky but I think I got the best of it in the end. The first pick was pretty tough I think it was between

the two tri-color cards and I figured I’d take the more powerful one. There wasn’t much in the second pack and Algae Gharial has

continued to move up in my books despite my innate disdain for four mana 1/1s.

The fourth pick Oblivion Ring seemed like a clear signal. I probably took it a little too far in taking the Wind Drake over Cavern

Thoctar but I was trying to apply my normal draft strategy in this draft of being very reactive and going where the packs lead me.

(Sidenote I think this is much less effective in Shards drafts in general because there are simply fewer playables per pack

partially because there is simply one less card per pack).

In pack 2 I got rewarded for not really having any direction with a second pick Flameblast Dragon and it got pretty simple after


Round 1 I played a decent Black Red Green deck. Game 1 he got ahead with some Goblin Deathraiders and I didn’t draw a Forest until

turn six. Fortunately he drew about six spells stopped. He got me to one but then I started casting giant men and he couldn’t

break through. I felt very fortunate to win this game. Game 2 I was manascrewed again this time a simple lack of lands. He cast

spells and I didn’t. I mulliganed into another pretty miserable draw in game 3 but this time I was able to cast Gift of the

Gargantuans into Flameblast Dragon and the mana to cast it. He didn’t have an answer for the dragon.

Round 2 I played against a mediocre five color deck. Game 1 I played turn 4 Algae Gharial made a bunch of trades and had a huge

monster. It looked like I might get outraced by his flyers and Dragon Fodder blockers but fortunately I drew Titanic Ultimatum to

give the Gharial trample. Game two I played Caldera Hellion turn four and Dragon turn five.

Round 3 I played against an interesting Esper deck. He won the first game with two Memory Erosions. They were kinda cool but he

probably would have won anyways if they were two Kathari Screechers since my draw was nothing to write home about. Game 2 he

stalled on lands and I played some big dudes. Game 3 I couldn’t find a sixth land for my big guys and died to a Tower Gargoyle

while his Memory Erosions sat in play and didn’t do anything.

This deck ended up quite good but I think that was through good fortune more than anything else and it is generally much better to

be aggressive (in terms of draft strategy) when drafting Shards.

Until tomorrow…
