Drafting With Rich – Shadowmoor / Eventide #12

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Tuesday, September 9th – Canadian draft maestro Rich Hoaen takes us for a stroll through an 8-4 Shadowmoor / Eventide draft on Magic Online, from pick 1 to pick 45, and shares his special insights after the draft and in the forums.

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10 Island
7 Plains
Oona Queen of the Fae
Puresight Merrow
Briarberry Cohort
Inquisitor’s Snare
Merrow Wavebreakers
Consign to Dream
Turn to Mist
Safehold Elite
Augury Adept
Mercy Killing
Gravelgill Duo
Glamer Spinners
Gravelgill Axeshark
Watchwing Scarecrow
Recumbent Bliss
Shorecrasher Mimic
Ballynock Trapper
Dream Thief
Cenn’s Enlistment
Selkie Hedge-Mage
Cenn’s Enlistment

I was a little lost and frustrated during the second pack. It felt like there should’ve been a lot more Blue for me since I didn’t pass any but I guess there wasn’t much of anything. I tried to take cards that I’d be able to play whether I ended up pairing my Blue cards with either Green or White.

I played against a mono White deck in the first round. We got into a long creature stall game 1. I answered his Rune-Cervin Rider with Recumbent Bliss and his other threats were made with auras which I was able to deal with with various bounce spells. We both flooded but I had Cenn’s Enlistment to take advantage of the situation. Eventually I found Oona which he couldn’t beat. Game 2 I was able to hold him off on the ground again and had flyers to kill him.

Round 2 I played against a mono Black deck. Game 1 he made some Chainbreakers which were unable to race my flyers since I made lots of blockers with Cenn’s Enlistment. This was one of the typical games against Black decks where if he found his Incremental Blight he couldn’t lose but he didn’t so I won. Game 2 he got me pretty good with a Fate Transfer off his Chainbreaker. I flooded again but didn’t have Cenn’s Enlistment this time. He missed a few land drops in game 3 and I played Oona before he could get to Gloomlance mana and Oona did her thing.

Round 3 was mono Red. My draw was slow and clunky in the first game and he took over with Crackleburr. By the time I could Mercy Killing it the tokens made me dead on board. I boarded in the Medic and Shielddare. he flooded a bit this game while I had lands and spells. He died to a couple of flyers while the Medic held off his attacks. Game 3 was pretty similar to game 1 except I didn’t have the Mercy Killing for Crackleburr. I drew Oona one turn too late and the Crackleburr was barely able to outrace it after I stopped his attacks with Glamer Spinners and some tokens. It felt like this match could’ve gone either way but he probably had a small edge.

Until tomorrow…
