
Drafting With Rich – Coldsnap #7

Rich continues his excellent series of Coldsnap Draft walkthroughs, presenting each pick as it happened and highlighting each card chosen. He shares his final decklist, and gives us a brief overview of his results and processes. As usual, for more detailed draft deconstruction, come visit us in the forums!


Pack 1:

Drelnoch, Gutless Ghoul, Ronom Hulk, Snow-Covered Island, Rimewind Taskmage, Ohran Yeti, Bull Aurochs, Martyr of Ashes, Martyr of Bones, Thermal Flux, Sun’s Bounty, Earthen Goo, Sheltering Ancient, Phyrexian Ironfoot, Soul Spike

Pick: Phyrexian Ironfoot

Pack 2:

Drelnoch, Gutless Ghoul, Ronom Hulk, Snow-Covered Island, Gelid Shackles, Feast of Flesh, Icefall, Krovikan Scoundrel, Survivor of the Unseen, Martyr of Sands, Thermopod, Phobian Phantasm, Highland Weald, Arctic Nishoba

Pick: Ronom Hulk

Pack 3:

Swift Maneuver, Into the North, Icefall, Krovikan Scoundrel, Survivor of the Unseen, Boreal Centaur, Snow-Covered Swamp, Kjeldoran Javelineer, Frozen Solid, Balduvian Warlord, Freyalise’s Radiance, Deepfire Elemental, Panglacial Wurm

Pick: Panglacial Wurm

Pack 4:

Snow-Covered Mountain, Goblin Rimerunner, Surging Might, Gelid Shackles, Martyr of Spores, Karplusan Wolverine, Surging Dementia, Ronom Unicorn, Jotun Grunt, Controvert, Deathmark, Cover of Winter

Pick: Deathmark

Pack 5:

Snow-Covered Mountain, Goblin Rimerunner, Surging Might, Martyr of Spores, Karplusan Wolverine, Feast of Flesh, Krovikan Mist, Freyalise’s Radiance, Boreal Shelf, Kjeldoran Gargoyle, Karplusan Minotaur

Pick: Feast of Flesh

Pack 6:

Into the North, Rite of Flame, Grim Harvest, Martyr of Frost, Surging Aether, Orcish Bloodpainter, Snow-Covered Plains, Karplusan Wolverine, Glacial Plating, Flashfreeze

Pick: Into the North

Pack 7:

Frostweb Spider, Martyr of Ashes, Surging Dementia, Survivor of the Unseen, Ronom Unicorn, Thermal Flux, Snow-Covered Mountain, Mishra’s Bauble, Jokulmorder

Pick: Snow-Covered Mountain

Pack 8:

Icefall, Grim Harvest, Krovikan Mist, Swift Maneuver, Martyr of Spores, Snow-Covered Mountain, Perilous Research, Greater Stone Spirit

Pick: Grim Harvest

Pack 9:

Drelnoch, Snow-Covered Island, Martyr of Bones, Thermal Flux, Sun’s Bounty, Earthen Goo, Sheltering Ancient

Pick: Snow-Covered Island

Pack 10:

Drelnoch, Icefall, Krovikan Scoundrel, Survivor of the Unseen, Martyr of Sands, Phobian Phantasm

Pick: Phobian Phantasm

Pack 11:

Swift Maneuver, Survivor of the Unseen, Kjeldoran Javelineer, Frozen Solid, Freyalise’s Radiance

Pick: Frozen Solid

Pack 12:

Surging Dementia, Jotun Grunt, Controvert, Cover of Winter

Pick: Surging Dementia

Pack 13:

Karplusan Wolverine, Freyalise’s Radiance, Kjeldoran Gargoyle

Pick: Kjeldoran Gargoyle

Pack 14:

Rite of Flame, Glacial Plating

Pick: Glacial Plating

Pack 15:

Surging Dementia

Pick: Surging Dementia

Pack 16:

Sun’s Bounty, Thermopod, Simian Brawler, Rite of Flame, Feast of Flesh, Martyr of Frost, Ohran Yeti, Snow-Covered Mountain, Kjeldoran Outrider, Boreal Centaur, Chilling Shade, Wall of Shards, Krovikan Whispers, Balduvian Fallen, Phyrexian Etchings

Pick: Boreal Centaur

Pack 17:

Boreal Centaur, Gutless Ghoul, Snow-Covered Swamp, Drelnoch, Surging Sentinels, Aurochs Herd, Skred, Krovikan Scoundrel, Rune Snag, Martyr of Sands, Bull Aurochs, Wilderness Elemental, Kjeldoran Gargoyle, Herald of Leshrac

Pick: Herald of Leshrac

Pack 18:

Frozen Solid, Zombie Musher, Orcish Bloodpainter, Squall Drifter, Rimewind Taskmage, Martyr of Bones, Rune Snag, Sun’s Bounty, Simian Brawler, Phyrexian Snowcrusher, Krovikan Rot, Lightning Storm, Zur the Enchanter

Pick: Krovikan Rot

Pack 19:

Gutless Ghoul, Snow-Covered Swamp, Drelnoch, Surging Sentinels, Martyr of Sands, Thermopod, Rite of Flame, Grim Harvest, Martyr of Frost, Krovikan Whispers, Tresserhorn Skyknight, Cryoclasm

Pick: Snow-Covered Swamp

Pack 20:

Icefall, Krovikan Scoundrel, Survivor of the Unseen, Martyr of Sands, Thermopod, Goblin Furrier, Rimebound Dead, Boreal Griffin, Tresserhorn Skyknight, Steam Spitter, Field Marshal

Pick: Rimebound Dead

Pack 21:

Rite of Flame, Feast of Flesh, Martyr of Frost, Swift Maneuver, Ronom Serpent, Rimebound Dead, Kjeldoran Javelineer, White Shield Crusader, Flashfreeze, Thrumming Stone

Pick: Feast of Flesh

Pack 22:

Martyr of Spores, Karplusan Wolverine, Kjeldoran War Cry, Rimebound Dead, Snow-Covered Plains, Kjeldoran Javelineer, Wall of Shards, Stromgald Crusader, Arcum Dagsson

Pick: Stromgald Crusader

Pack 23:

Frozen Solid, Orcish Bloodpainter, Rimewind Taskmage, Icefall, Grim Harvest, Balduvian Warlord, Freyalise’s Radiance, Deepfire Elemental

Pick: Deepfire Elemental

Pack 24:

Sun’s Bounty, Thermopod, Rite of Flame, Martyr of Frost, Chilling Shade, Wall of Shards, Balduvian Fallen

Pick: Balduvian Fallen

Pack 25:

Snow-Covered Swamp, Drelnoch, Krovikan Scoundrel, Rune Snag, Martyr of Sands, Wilderness Elemental

Pick: Snow-Covered Swamp

Pack 26:

Frozen Solid, Martyr of Bones, Rune Snag, Sun’s Bounty, Zur the Enchanter

Pick: Frozen Solid

Pack 27:

Drelnoch, Martyr of Sands, Rite of Flame, Martyr of Frost

Pick: Drelnoch

Pack 28:

Survivor of the Unseen, Martyr of Sands, Goblin Furrier

Pick: Survivor of the Unseen

Pack 29:

Rite of Flame, Martyr of Frost

Pick: Martyr of Frost

Pack 30:

Kjeldoran Javelineer

Pick: Kjeldoran Javelineer

Pack 31:

Snow-Covered Swamp, Drelnoch, Surging Sentinels, Boreal Druid, Disciple of Tevesh Szat, Krovikan Mist, Kjeldoran War Cry, Bull Aurochs, Martyr of Ashes, Martyr of Bones, Thermal Flux, Resize, Juniper Order Ranger, Mishra’s Bauble, Lovisa Coldeyes

Pick: Resize

Pack 32:

Karplusan Wolverine, Surging Dementia, Thermal Flux, Ronom Unicorn, Frostweb Spider, Rimewind Taskmage, Chilling Shade, Boreal Centaur, Surging Flame, Karplusan Wolverine, Kjeldoran Javelineer, Rimehorn Aurochs, Ursine Fylgja, Counterbalance

Pick: Boreal Centaur

Pack 33:

Frozen Solid, Chill to the Bone, Sound the Call, Ronom Serpent, Thermopod, Simian Brawler, Rite of Flame, Feast of Flesh, Martyr of Frost, Swift Maneuver, Jotun Owl Keeper, Controvert, Boreal Shelf

Pick: Chill to the Bone

Pack 34:

Frost Raptor, Disciple of Tevesh Szat, Snow-Covered Forest, Goblin Rimerunner, Surging Aether, Frostweb Spider, Martyr of Ashes, Surging Dementia, Survivor of the Unseen, Ronom Unicorn, Balduvian Fallen, Karplusan Strider

Pick: Disciple of Tevesh Szat

Pack 35:

Skred, Rune Snag, Martyr of Sands, Rimewind Taskmage, Chilling Shade, Boreal Centaur, Surging Flame, Snow-Covered Swamp, Kjeldoran Javelineer, Wall of Shards, Balduvian Fallen

Pick: Skred

Pack 36:

Martyr of Bones, Thermal Flux, Sun’s Bounty, Thermopod, Simian Brawler, Chilling Shade, Goblin Furrier, Balduvian Frostwaker, Earthen Goo, Cover of Winter

Pick: Simian Brawler

Pack 37:

Orcish Bloodpainter, Rimewind Taskmage, Martyr of Sands, Thermopod, Into the North, Rite of Flame, Grim Harvest, Jotun Grunt, Controvert

Pick: Into the North

Pack 38:

Frostweb Spider, Martyr of Bones, Rune Snag, Sun’s Bounty, Simian Brawler, Goblin Furrier, Arctic Nishoba, Vanish into Memory

Pick: Arctic Nishoba

Pack 39:

Drelnoch, Surging Sentinels, Krovikan Mist, Martyr of Ashes, Martyr of Bones, Thermal Flux, Mishra’s Bauble

Pick: Krovikan Mist

Pack 40:

Karplusan Wolverine, Surging Dementia, Thermal Flux, Chilling Shade, Karplusan Wolverine, Ursine Fylgja

Pick: Ursine Fylgja

Pack 41:

Frozen Solid, Ronom Serpent, Rite of Flame, Martyr of Frost, Controvert

Pick: Ronom Serpent

Pack 42:

Surging Aether, Frostweb Spider, Surging Dementia, Survivor of the Unseen

Pick: Frostweb Spider

Pack 43:

Rune Snag, Martyr of Sands, Wall of Shards

Pick: Wall of Shards

Pack 44:

Thermal Flux, Sun’s Bounty

Pick: Thermal Flux

Pack 45:

Martyr of Sands

Pick: Martyr of Sands

Final Decklist:


1 Balduvian Fallen
1 Chill to the Bone
1 Deathmark
1 Disciple of Tevesh Szat
1 Grim Harvest
1 Herald of Leshrac
1 Krovikan Rot
1 Phobian Phantasm
1 Rimebound Dead
1 Stromgald Crusader
1 Skred
1 Arctic Nishoba
1 Boreal Centaur
1 Boreal Centaur [FOIL]
2 Into the North
1 Panglacial Wurm
1 Resize
1 Ronom Hulk
1 Simian Brawler
1 Phyrexian Ironfoot
1 Deepfire Elemental
8 Forest
1 Snow-Covered Mountain
2 Snow-Covered Swamp
7 Swamp


1 Drelnoch
2 Feast of Flesh
1 Frostweb Spider
2 Frozen Solid
1 Glacial Plating
1 Kjeldoran Gargoyle
1 Kjeldoran Javelineer
1 Krovikan Mist
1 Martyr of Frost
1 Martyr of Sands
1 Ronom Serpent
1 Snow-Covered Island
2 Surging Dementia
1 Survivor of the Unseen
1 Thermal Flux
1 Ursine Fylgja
1 Wall of Shards

Despite it feeling like I should have ditched Green at a few points during the draft my deck still ended up alright. I beat current Player of the Year and sheer master Kenji Tsumura in the first round, but lost the second in a matchup that seemed quite good. He had a Green Red deck similar to mine, early acceleration and lots of big guys. Looking at my deck now I think I was a favourite in the matchup sinceif I draw a Resize or Grim Harvest it’s very difficult for him to win. As it turned out, I never drew either and lost three close games.

Until tomorrow,


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