Drafting With Nick – Shadowmoor / Eventide Head to Head #1

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Thursday, October 2nd – In the first of two head to head drafts, Nick Eisel takes on Rich Hoaen in an 8-4 Shadowmoor / Eventide draft on Magic Online. Read on to discover Nick’s view on the table… Rich’s evaluation is above!

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This draft converter created by Benjamin Peebles-Mundy.
Visit the draft converter today!

1 Recumbent Bliss
1 Dream Thief
1 Stream Hopper
1 Steel of the Godhead
1 Turn to Mist
1 Mistmeadow Witch
1 Consign to Dream
1 Briarberry Cohort
1 Silkbind Faerie
1 Inkfathom Infiltrator
1 Put Away
1 Painter’s Servant
2 Merrow Wavebreakers
1 Ballynock Trapper
1 Advice from the Fae
1 Oona’s Grace
1 Wistful Selkie
1 Thistledown Duo
1 Ghastlord of Fugue
1 Scuttlemutt
1 Somnomancer
1 Groundling Pouncer
13 Island
4 Plains

1 Merrow Grimeblotter
1 Woeleecher
1 Grazing Kelpie
1 Gift of the Deity
1 Odious Trow
1 Thornwatch Scarecrow
1 Zealous Guardian
1 Talara’s Bane
1 Rattleblaze Scarecrow
1 Disturbing Plot
1 Scrapbasket
1 Bloodshed Fever
2 Wilderness Hypnotist
1 Gleeful Sabotage
1 Prismwake Merrow
1 Slippery Bogle
1 Put Away
1 Fate Transfer
1 Cursecatcher
1 Flickerwisp
1 Spell Syphon

For our final two “Drafting With” articles with Shadowmoor and Eventide (before we take a small break until the online release of Shards of Alara) Rich and I managed to draft in the same eight-man 8-4 pods. Finally the Drafting With guys got a chance to go head to head!

As I mentioned above tomorrow will be our last foray into SSE draft before we break for the pre-Shards Online downtime. In the interim I’ll be returning to weekly articles talking about Shards of Alara Limited strategy.

Disclaimer : I wasn’t aware that Rich was in this draft until pack 3 opened up and my roommate was like “Oh look Rich is in the Queue too.”

I’m sure a lot of you are going to disagree with a bunch of picks I made in this draft and that’s okay. I decided to post the draft anyway because it’s different Rich was in it and the deck still did well even after going all in and missing. By going all in I obviously mean taking Untap creatures at an absolute premium and hoping to go nuts with Power of Fire Presence of Gond or Banishing Knack. I’m sure a lot of you would have also taken Prison Term over Scuttlemutt but my reasoning behind that is that I’ve been forcing mono Blue and splashing Power and or Presence or something else insane and Scuttlemutt helps. It just so happened that none of those cards were opened in this draft (especially Presence and Knack which both go later than they should) and my deck still ended up okay.

Round 1 I played against BR. Game 1 I got stuck on three and he played out a bunch of expensive men including double Morselhoarder and I couldn’t play enough stuff to keep up. Game 2 I got a quick draw that also including Consign to Dream and Mistmeadow Witch and my opponent’s expensive spells didn’t get a chance to get online this time around. Game 3 was bizarre. My opening hand on the draw was five Islands Silkbind Faerie Merrow Wavebreakers. I decided this was good enough against his slow deck. I drew Wistful Selkie right away and then Recumbent Bliss after a couple of lands and then went on to draw 13 total land before another spell. Somehow my two guys and Bliss were enough to let me race and stay in the game and I finally drew Turn to Mist on the last possible turn to prevent him from killing me and swing back for the win. Definitely didn’t feel like I was going to win that one after drawing land after land.

Round 2 was against BR again but a quicker version. Game 1 he got stuck on two and I got stuck on three for a long time. Thankfully this worked out in my favor as I Consigned his Butcher with Power on it and set him back even further. I played out some cheap fliers and bashed him pretty easily even after he started drawing lands. Game 2 he got a really good draw and curved out played Torrent of Souls after we traded some men. Game 3 he played pretty poorly (in my opinion) and it ended up costing him the game. Instead of shooting my Dream Thief with his Ashenmoor Gouger he attacked and then played Power of Fire on it. This allowed me to Turn to Mist it and lock it down with Recumbent Bliss. He also played Hatchet Bully which threatened to kill all of my evasion guys but instead of using it he cast spells that didn’t really help him gain board position. I feel like this game would’ve been very close if he simply killed my guys with Hatchet Bully but instead he tried to race me and I put the nail in the coffin with Steel of the Godhead.

Round 3 was against mono Green and a very good matchup for me. Game 1 I played Cohort Silkbind Faerie Ballynock Trapper and he was basically dead on board. Game 2 he started strong with two Nettle Sentinels but again my utility guys took control and this game he didn’t even play any fatties that I needed to tap. I won this one pretty easily.

Sadly I didn’t get to face Rich this time round. Maybe tomorrow…
