
Daily Digest: Urd Warriors

One brave MTGO warrior didn’t need Fate Reforged to skewer a few opponents, but now that the set is out, this deck can only get better! GerryT helps you release your inner warrior at #SCGDC!

Fun fact: Goblin Rabblemaster is a warrior!

If you’ve been looking for a sweet home for those KTK Chiefs, you’ve probably found it. Using some of Mardu’s best removal, global pump spells, and a bunch
of warriors, you end up with a pretty reasonable deck.

Out of the sideboard, there are cards like Returned to the Ranks and Athreos, God of Passage, both of which are great at fighting through piles of removal.
I wouldn’t be shocked to see something like Athreos make the maindeck of a warrior-based deck simply because of how easy it is to get devotion.

Decks like these might look rough right now, but Fate Reforged has given them some upgrades…