Sidisi and I go way back, so naturally I was a tad disappointed to not see a bunch of stuff to make her good again in Battle for Zendikar, but
maybe I didn’t look hard enough. Eric English took a very classic looking Sultai deck (splashing red) to a twelfth place finish at Grand Prix Quebec City.
I won’t lie, I was more than a little jealous.
Sultai is looking to self-mill for profit, but we don’t have many good options. Gather the Pack is the standout, but Jace, Vryn’s Prodigy helps out as
well. We didn’t know how good we had it with Satyr Wayfinder! In this deck, Sidisi, Brood Tyrant is going to do a lot of the heavy lifting. Fueling your
engine while also making 2/2s easily makes it the marquee card of the deck.
The Den Protector + Deathmist Raptor package makes sense when you’re putting cards in your graveyard. Rattleclaw Mystic and Stratus Dancer also make an
appearance to make your Deathmist Raptors very likely to come back from the dead. The morph package, combined with your 2/2 Zombies, is going to be where
most of your pressure comes from. Dragonlord Atarka and Kolaghan’s Command make up the red splash, which is very easy to have due to the fetchlands and
Rattleclaw Mystic.
The big draw to this deck is the ability to play five delve spells. Murderous Cut is phenomenal, and in this deck, it should be one mana the vast majority
of the time. Since the deck has Sidisi, Undead Vizier, it can play a mini-Tutor package, including Treasure Cruise, Silumgar’s Command, Stratus Dancer, and
a couple Dragons at the top end.
I hope this deck is actually good.
Creatures (24)
- 4 Rattleclaw Mystic
- 4 Sidisi, Brood Tyrant
- 1 Silumgar, the Drifting Death
- 1 Stratus Dancer
- 1 Sidisi, Undead Vizier
- 1 Dragonlord Atarka
- 4 Den Protector
- 4 Deathmist Raptor
- 4 Jace, Vryn's Prodigy
Lands (25)
Spells (11)
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