
Daily Financial Value Of Fate Reforged: January 8th!

As we near the beginning of the end of Fate Reforged spoilers and delve headfirst into full-on spoiled territory, Ben Bleiwess pops in to give us the latest in FRF Finance!

Welcome back to my Daily Financial Value of Fate Reforged article! Tomorrow is (supposedly) the day that the full set will be spoiled on Wizards website, and there will only be a few rare cards left to spoil. Let’s look at the cards that were spoiled overnight!

How I Review

Starting Price
: The first price we assign to this card as a preorder.

Current Price
: The current price of the card by the time this article goes live

Future Price – Short Term
: The price I believe this card will be at before Magic Online redemptions go live for Fate Reforged.

Future Price – Medium Term
: The price I believe this card will be at by the time the next set comes out. (Dragons of Tarkir).

Future Price – Long Term
: The price I believe this card will be at a year from now, when the Winter 2016 expansion is released!

Ghastly Conscription

Rarity: Mythic

Starting Price: $2

Current Price: $2

Future Price (Short Term): $1.50

Future Price (Medium Term): $1.50

Future Price (Long Term): $1.50

Bulk Mythic. Seven mana is too much to pay for this effect (getting a lot of 2/2 creatures that might be able to be flipped up), and Rise of the Dark Realms brought back all creatures in a much better fashion if you’re looking for a multiplayer staple.

Rally the Ancestors

Rarity: Rare

Starting Price: $1

Current Price: $1

Future Price (Short Term): $1

Future Price (Medium Term): $1

Future Price (Long Term): $1

XWW. Instant. Return each creature card with converted mana cost X or less from your graveyard to the battlefield. Exile those creatures at the beginning of the next end step. Exile Rally the Ancestors.

This card is either going to be a broken combo piece, or complete junk. I think it’s going to be the latter, but I’m very bullish on Faithless
Looting-fuelled combo decks right now. I think you’d want to be able to combo out with X = 2, meaning there are two routes to go:

1) Reanimate creatures with haste, such as Spark Elemental, Hellspark Elemental, Goblin Guide and friends, and just alpha strike your opponent to death on
turn 4.

2) Play Allies and reanimate Halimar Excavator + friends to mill your opponent out (need basically seven allies coming back at once to win the game in this
fashion – 7 * 7 = 49 cards milled + 7 cards drawn in opening hand = 56/60 cards most people play in their decks, and we’re talking turn 4).

There are probably other combo applications for Rally the Ancestors, so I think I’d recommend picking up a playset if you like breaking combo-ish cards in
Standard and Modern (and possibly Legacy).

Pack Value

To determine the value of a booster pack, I’m going to start with the following formula:

(2R + 1M)/80.

That isn’t enough of a picture though. In fairness, $0.50 to $1 bulk rares don’t really amount to “real” value if you’re looking to trade with other
players. So I’m omitting the value of any rare that is below $2 (rounded from $1.99) and any mythic that is below $4 (rounded from $3.99).

34 out of the 35 Rares have been spoiled. Here are the ones that are $2 and up!

Alesha, Who Smiles at Death: $3

Crux of Fate: $2

Flamewake Phoenix: $5

Frontier Siege: $2

Mardu Strike Leader – $2

Monastery Siege: $2

Soulflayer: $3

Tasigur, the Golden Fang: $3

Total Rare Value: $22

10 out of the 10 Mythic Rares in Fate Reforged have been spoiled!

Brutal Hordechief: $10

Monastery Mentor: $30

Shaman of the Great Hunt: $6

Soulfire Grand Master: $25

Temporal Trespass: $6

Ugin, the Spirit Dragon: $30

Warden of the First Tree – $10

Whisperwood Elemental: $6

Total Mythic Value: $123

In addition, the five Khans fetchlands are going to be featured in Booster Packs in the land slot. See the the previous articles for the math on this but:

If the Khans Fetchlands appear 2x per Land sheet, they add $45 in value to each Fate Reforged box.

If the Khans Fetchlands appear 1x per Land sheet, they add $22.50 in value to each Fate Reforged box.

So plugging this into the formula, we get the following:

(2R ($44) + 1M ($123) = $167

$161/80 = $2.09 value per pack, or $75.24 per box without Fetchlands.

With Fetchlands appearing at 10 per 121 packs opened, this is a $120.24 value per box.

With Fetchlands appearing at 5 per 121 packs opened, this is a $97.74 value per box.