
Video: Amulet Bloom In Modern!

Just days after a breakout performance, Sam Black is already tweaking Amulet Bloom to be even better before #SCGHOU’s $5,000 Modern Premier IQ!

Amulet Bloom may have been the breakout deck of Pro Tour Fate Reforged, and it’s likely still a good choice for Grand Prix Vancouver. Whether you’re thinking about playing it or just looking to know what’s going on on the other side of the table, I figured I’d walk through some games with this substantially unorthodox deck to show just what’s happening here.

The list I’ll be playing is a small update from the Pro Tour. I’ve swapped Ghost Quarter and the second Cavern of Souls because there were fewer control decks than anticipated, and I’ve cut Firespouts for Pyroclasms due to the poor showing by Zoo. Finally, I’ve cut Wurmcoil Engine for Thragtusk, which was a change that we realized we should have made before the Pro Tour. Either card is to bring in against Abzan Midrange, but Path to Exile is too good against Wurmcoil Engine, and the threat of Thoughtseize on Wurmcoil Engine giving Tarmogoyf +2/+2 is too high a cost as well.

Round 1

Round 2

Round 3

Round 4