
Daily Digest: Guess Who’s Bach?

Think everything in Standard has been done to death and then some? Maybe we’re just not trying hard enough to innovate. GerryT knows a (Mardu) guy that’s still got plenty of tricks in his Standard pocket!

Yep, it’s #marduguy, back for more. Cody Lingelbach took his innovative Mardu deck with a bunch of awesome Thopter synergies to the top 4 of #GPOAK.

Thopter Engineer highlights the Thopter squad, but Pia and Kiran Nalaar plus Hangarback Walker do a ton of work also. In a world full of spot removal, tokens are a helluva way to attack the format. Secure the Wastes is also very solid.

In order to take advantage of the various 1/1s, this deck has Gideon, Ally of Zendikar; Sorin, Solemn Visitor; and Kolaghan, the Storm’s Fury to pump them up.

The rest of the deck is typical Mardu fare, with Crackling Doom, Murderous Cut, and various Shocks to keep the board clear. There are zero Painful Truths in this 75, which may come as a surprise. However, when your card advantage is built into your creatures and planeswalkers, you want cards that directly affect the board.