
Daily Digest: Break Out Your Dice

Someone at WotC has invested heavily in the dice industry. How else can you explain the sheer magnitude of six-siders you’ll need to make this #SCGDFW contender happen?

Every time a deck starts to do well in Standard, people want to port it into Modern. It’s like no one has any new ideas anymore.

Or, you know, cards with a pedigree tend to be better than those without.

Also, this deck looks a lot more like the Abzan Tokens deck that was a brief player in InnistradReturn to Ravnica Standard before people figured out just how busted Sphinx’s Revelation was. This Modern incarnation has the same ideal curve of acceleration into token makers into Anthems, a plan which fits nicely with a deck that’s trying to be aggressive. It mitigates the downside of having so many mana creatures, since they are quickly made into relevant attacking bodies after they’ve served their purpose in the early-game.

I’m somewhat surprised to not see any copies of Intangible Virtue, even though it doesn’t help your mana creatures, since it allows the powerful curve of mana creature into Lingering Souls into “Flashback Souls plus Intangible Virtue,” which lets you immediately attack for four and present a two-turn clock in the air that makes spot removal look embarrassing. A synergy-laden deck like wants to commit more to its own gameplan at the expense of interaction, so perhaps some of the removal spells are unnecessary, at least in the maindeck.

My other concern for the deck is its manabase. The creatures all help fix your mana, but having Nissa, Voice of Zendikar and Spectral Procession is very taxing, especially when you have four copies of Gavony Township. In order to curve out consistently, you will need to make concessions in other places, so I see the Ghost Quarter as unjustifiably greedy. The Windbrisk Heights, while powerful, should likely be trimmed for more turn 1 green sources, either through fetchlands or two-color lands like Horzion Canopy and Razorverge Thicket. I would also consider a single copy of Wooded Bastion to help bridge the gap between Nissa, Voice of Zendikar and Spectral Procession, especially against aggressive decks when you want to fetch for basic lands. If you hit your colors on time, Gavony Township will take care of the rest.

Now to address the elephant in the room. Not Loxodon Hierarch, the sideboard. You won’t find many people more in love with singletons than I am. But this looks more like a sideboard in Abzan Company (excepting the Grafdigger’s Cages) than for this deck. I like the focus on interactive spells to help against the unfair decks, although I think you are short on hand disruption, but there isn’t enough overlap in these cards to have coherent plans against much of the Modern metagame. The maindeck looks nicely focused, so if you want to try this one out, focus your efforts on streamlining the sideboard.

Also, buy a boatload of dice. A literal boatload. Not one of those little dinghy boats, either. Try one of those $100 million floating cities oil barons use to cruise on the Mediterranean. And good luck finding all of those dice when you drop them on the floor.