
Would You Attack?

It’s a simple question, but the answer sure isn’t! Check out the Modern conundrum Cedric Phillips recently faced and add your voice to the debate ahead of SCG Louisville!

Today’s article is short and sweet. I hope you enjoy it.

On Saturday, I spent most of the evening testing TitanShift for the Magic
Online Modern PTQ.

For those curious about my thoughts on the deck,
TitanShift is a fairly powerful deck, but it’s also fairly straightforward
and doesn’t really have a lot of decisions, unlike the Snapcaster Mage
decks of Modern.

Having said that, I was presented with quite the decision
against Grixis Death’s Shadow…

My opponent selected Obstinate Baloth with a turn 1 Thoughtseize, putting
the 4/4 Beast directly onto the battlefield.

This is what my deck looked like for this game:

The question here is simple:

Looking forward to hearing your thoughts!