Drafting With Rich – 999 #5

Rich continues his excellent Draft series. The Canadian maestro turns his back on the cooling Coldsnap, and heads for the balmy waters of sweeter formats. From now until the online release of Time Spiral, Rich will draft a number of formats, from RGD to 999 to CBS to CCC… whatever takes his fancy at the time. He’ll supply each pick, from pick one to pick forty-five, and pen a brief commentary on hs deck and performace. For more detailed comments, visit the forums!


Pack 1:

Dehydration, Goblin Chariot, Honor Guard, Raise Dead, Kavu Climber, Fugitive Wizard, Craw Wurm, Coercion, Foot Soldiers, Goblin Piker, Kraken’s Eye, Flowstone Crusher, Telepathy, Fleeting Image, Swamp

Pick: Fleeting Image

Pack 2:

Suntail Hawk, Balduvian Barbarians, Boomerang, Overgrowth, Foul Imp, Llanowar Elves, Remove Soul, Seething Song, Pacifism, Fear, Azure Drake, Summer Bloom, Greater Good, Mountain

Pick: Azure Drake

Pack 3:

Rampant Growth, Sea’s Claim, Sacred Nectar, Elvish Berserker, Foot Soldiers, Goblin Piker, Horned Turtle, Giant Spider, Deathgazer, Seasoned Marshal, Boiling Seas, Reverse Damage, Plains

Pick: Giant Spider

Pack 4:

Serpent Warrior, Venerable Monk, Goblin Mountaineer, Sleight of Hand, Tree Monkey, Festering Goblin, Goblin Chariot, Honor Guard, Raise Dead, Blackmail, Goblin Balloon Brigade, Swamp

Pick: Sleight of Hand

Pack 5:

Counsel of the Soratami, Treetop Bracers, Serpent Warrior, Venerable Monk, Goblin Mountaineer, Sleight of Hand, Shatter, Contaminated Bond, Llanowar Elves, Ogre Taskmaster, Plains

Pick: Llanowar Elves

Pack 6:

Naturalize, Suntail Hawk, Boomerang, Time Ebb, Reflexes, Plague Beetle, Rampant Growth, Megrim, Sacred Ground, Island

Pick: Time Ebb

Pack 7:

Firebreathing, Bog Imp, Scaled Wurm, Dehydration, Sea Monster, Scathe Zombies, Stone Rain, Soul Feast, Forest

Pick: Dehydration

Pack 8:

Seething Song, Fear, Rootwalla, Flight, Sea Monster, Grizzly Bears, Stone Rain, Forest

Pick: Rootwalla

Pack 9:

Goblin Chariot, Honor Guard, Raise Dead, Fugitive Wizard, Goblin Piker, Kraken’s Eye, Swamp

Pick: Kraken’s Eye

Pack 10:

Boomerang, Overgrowth, Seething Song, Fear, Summer Bloom, Mountain

Pick: Boomerang

Pack 11:

Sea’s Claim, Sacred Nectar, Elvish Berserker, Boiling Seas, Plains

Pick: Boiling Seas

Pack 12:

Goblin Mountaineer, Honor Guard, Goblin Balloon Brigade, Swamp

Pick: Goblin Balloon Brigade

Pack 13:

Goblin Mountaineer, Shatter, Plains

Pick: Shatter

Pack 14:

Reflexes, Island

Pick: Island

Pack 15:


Pick: Forest

Pack 16:

Flight, Volcanic Hammer, Mending Hands, Hollow Dogs, Reclaim, Aven Windreader, Trained Armodon, Highway Robber, Infantry Veteran, Rogue Kavu, Zealous Inquisitor, Enrage, Confiscate, Nightmare, Plains

Pick: Confiscate

Pack 17:

Aven Windreader, Firebreathing, Bog Imp, Scaled Wurm, Spineless Thug, Angelic Blessing, Lava Axe, Counsel of the Soratami, Treetop Bracers, Air Elemental, Urza’s Power Plant, Llanowar Behemoth, Underworld Dreams, Swamp

Pick: Air Elemental

Pack 18:

Hill Giant, Demystify, Enfeeblement, Giant Growth, Fishliver Oil, Wanderguard Sentry, Order of the Sacred Bell, Spineless Thug, Angelic Blessing, Lava Axe, Urza’s Tower, Cruel Edict, Forest

Pick: Giant Growth

Pack 19:

Warrior’s Honor, Flowstone Shambler, Lumengrid Warden, Coercion, Natural Spring, Time Ebb, Reflexes, Plague Beetle, Treasure Trove, Regeneration, Ur-Golem’s Eye, Mountain

Pick: Time Ebb

Pack 20:

Giant Cockroach, Panic Attack, Mana Leak, Naturalize, Ravenous Rats, Fishliver Oil, Shatter, Contaminated Bond, Tempest of Light, Anarchist, Plains

Pick: Mana Leak

Pack 21:

Giant Cockroach, Samite Healer, Panic Attack, Mana Leak, Goblin Sky Raider, Razortooth Rats, Natural Spring, Soul Warden, Viashino Sandstalker, Plains

Pick: Mana Leak

Pack 22:

Warrior’s Honor, Flowstone Shambler, Lumengrid Warden, Firebreathing, Bog Imp, Scaled Wurm, Needle Storm, Execute, Forest

Pick: Needle Storm

Pack 23:

Fishliver Oil, Shatter, Contaminated Bond, Highway Robber, Rogue Kavu, Flame Wave, Angel’s Feather, Mountain

Pick: Flame Wave

Pack 24:

Flight, Mending Hands, Reclaim, Highway Robber, Rogue Kavu, Enrage, Plains

Pick: Reclaim

Pack 25:

Firebreathing, Bog Imp, Spineless Thug, Lava Axe, Urza’s Power Plant, Swamp

Pick: Urza’s Power Plant

Pack 26:

Demystify, Fishliver Oil, Spineless Thug, Urza’s Tower, Forest

Pick: Urza’s Tower

Pack 27:

Natural Spring, Reflexes, Plague Beetle, Mountain

Pick: Natural Spring

Pack 28:

Shatter, Contaminated Bond, Plains

Pick: Shatter

Pack 29:

Goblin Sky Raider, Plains

Pick: Plains

Pack 30:


Pick: Firebreathing

Pack 31:

Aven Fisher, Elvish Warrior, Unholy Strength, Holy Strength, Goblin Brigand, Sage Aven, Volcanic Hammer, Mending Hands, Hollow Dogs, Reclaim, Quicksand, Kird Ape, Rewind, Rukh Egg, Forest

Pick: Aven Fisher

Pack 32:

Crafty Pathmage, Hill Giant, Demystify, Enfeeblement, Giant Growth, Mind Rot, Veteran Cavalier, Raging Goblin, Sift, Zodiac Monkey, Annex, Rootbreaker Wurm, Dancing Scimitar, Swamp

Pick: Sift

Pack 33:

Holy Day, Norwood Ranger, Wind Drake, Horned Turtle, Giant Spider, Mind Rot, Veteran Cavalier, Raging Goblin, Viridian Shaman, Gluttonous Zombie, Ornithopter, Early Harvest, Plains

Pick: Wind Drake

Pack 34:

Crossbow Infantry, Lightning Elemental, Storm Crow, Trained Armodon, Highway Robber, Kavu Climber, Fugitive Wizard, Holy Day, Reminisce, Demon’s Horn, King Cheetah, Island

Pick: Kavu Climber

Pack 35:

Rootwalla, Flight, Mending Hands, Hollow Dogs, Reclaim, Skyhunter Prowler, Sandstone Warrior, Wanderguard Sentry, Order of the Sacred Bell, Threaten, Mountain

Pick: Rootwalla

Pack 36:

Tree Monkey, Festering Goblin, Storm Crow, Seething Song, Fear, Rootwalla, Tanglebloom, Diabolic Tutor, Disrupting Scepter, Plains

Pick: Rootwalla

Pack 37:

Sea’s Claim, Sacred Nectar, Elvish Berserker, Crafty Pathmage, Overgrowth, Foul Imp, Kami of Old Stone, Baleful Stare, Forest

Pick: Baleful Stare

Pack 38:

Unholy Strength, Holy Strength, Goblin Brigand, Sage Aven, Wood Elves, Goblin Sky Raider, Wurm’s Tooth, Island

Pick: Sage Aven

Pack 39:

Unholy Strength, Holy Strength, Goblin Brigand, Sage Aven, Mending Hands, Kird Ape, Forest

Pick: Kird Ape

Pack 40:

Crafty Pathmage, Demystify, Raging Goblin, Zodiac Monkey, Annex, Swamp

Pick: Zodiac Monkey

Pack 41:

Holy Day, Norwood Ranger, Raging Goblin, Ornithopter, Plains

Pick: Ornithopter

Pack 42:

Fugitive Wizard, Reminisce, Demon’s Horn, Island

Pick: Reminisce

Pack 43:

Flight, Mending Hands, Mountain

Pick: Flight

Pack 44:

Tree Monkey, Plains

Pick: Tree Monkey

Pack 45:

Sacred Nectar

Pick: Sacred Nectar

Final Decklist:


1 Air Elemental
1 Aven Fisher
1 Azure Drake
1 Boomerang
1 Confiscate
1 Dehydration
1 Fleeting Image
2 Mana Leak
1 Sift
1 Sleight of Hand
2 Time Ebb
1 Wind Drake
1 Giant Growth
1 Giant Spider
1 Kavu Climber
1 Llanowar Elves
3 Rootwalla
1 Zodiac Monkey
8 Forest
10 Island


1 Baleful Stare
1 Boiling Seas
1 Firebreathing
1 Flame Wave
1 Flight
1 Forest
1 Goblin Balloon Brigade
1 Island
1 Kird Ape
1 Kraken’s Eye
1 Natural Spring
1 Needle Storm
1 Ornithopter
1 Plains
1 Reclaim
1 Reminisce
1 Sacred Nectar
1 Sage Aven
2 Shatter
1 Tree Monkey
1 Urza’s Power Plant
1 Urza’s Tower

This deck differed from most of my 999 drafts in that I had very little card drawing, but my deck was still very good thanks to the bombs of Confiscate and Air Elemental. I had very few difficult decisions during the draft. I didn’t really think I could lose, but I managed to find a deck better than my own in the first round. His deck was better because of the rare slot in his packs. In game 1 he played Wrath of God, Loxodon Warhammer, Master Healer, and Verdant Force. I just couldn’t compete, since I used my Confiscate on his Master Healer before he played Wrath of God, which he followed up with Verdant Force and Loxodon Warhammer. In the next game he played all the same rares in addition to a turn 4 Maro, which I was able to Mana Leak. It was a blowout to say the least.

Until tomorrow,


Draft recording done by Blargware‘s MTGO DraftCap. Support Blargware!