Drafting With Rich – Time Spiral #38

Rich continues his excellent series of Time Spiral Draft walkthroughs, presenting each pick as it happened and highlighting each card chosen. He shares his final decklist, and gives us a brief overview of his results and processes. As usual, for more detailed draft deconstruction, come visit us in the forums!


Pack 1:

Snapback, Aether Web, Lightning Axe, Cloudchaser Kestrel, Drudge Reavers, Ghitu Firebreathing, Bewilder, Detainment Spell, Psychotic Episode, Sprout, Phantom Wurm, Foriysian Totem, Primal Forcemage, Reiterate, Orcish Librarian

Pick: Lightning Axe

Pack 2:

Icatian Crier, Goblin Skycutter, Crookclaw Transmuter, Strength in Numbers, Subterranean Shambler, Mindlash Sliver, Havenwood Wurm, Chameleon Blur, Flickering Spirit, Voidmage Husher, Phyrexian Totem, Evil Eye of Urborg, Liege of the Pit, Ghost Ship

Pick: Ghost Ship

Pack 3:

Tolarian Sentinel, Flowstone Channeler, Spinneret Sliver, Fortify, Eternity Snare, Skulking Knight, Sidewinder Sliver, Mwonvuli Acid-Moss, Viashino Bladescout, Durkwood Tracker, Truth or Tale, Saffi Eriksdotter, Claws of Gix

Pick: Flowstone Channeler

Pack 4:

Flowstone Channeler, Herd Gnarr, Trespasser il-Vec, Amrou Scout, Venser’s Sliver, Children of Korlis, Sangrophage, Viashino Bladescout, Primal Forcemage, Volcanic Awakening, Ith, High Arcanist, Wall of Roots

Pick: Ith, High Arcanist

Pack 5:

Spinneret Sliver, Ivory Giant, Grapeshot, Ground Rift, Eternity Snare, Skulking Knight, Sidewinder Sliver, Brine Elemental, Evil Eye of Urborg, Telekinetic Sliver, Fiery Justice

Pick: Brine Elemental

Pack 6:

Assassinate, Thallid Germinator, Zealot il-Vec, Ironclaw Buzzardiers, Mindlash Sliver, Thallid Shell-Dweller, Jhoira’s Timebug, Jedit’s Dragoons, Dreadship Reef, Scion of the Ur-Dragon

Pick: Assassinate

Pack 7:

Aether Web, Amrou Seekers, Thallid Shell-Dweller, Bewilder, Cyclopean Giant, Celestial Crusader, Fury Sliver, Moonlace, Craw Giant

Pick: Amrou Seekers

Pack 8:

Flamecore Elemental, Feebleness, Molder, Venser’s Sliver, Children of Korlis, Sangrophage, Krosan Grip, Celestial Dawn

Pick: Feebleness

Pack 9:

Drudge Reavers, Ghitu Firebreathing, Bewilder, Detainment Spell, Sprout, Reiterate, Orcish Librarian

Pick: Orcish Librarian

Pack 10:

Icatian Crier, Mindlash Sliver, Havenwood Wurm, Chameleon Blur, Voidmage Husher, Evil Eye of Urborg

Pick: Icatian Crier

Pack 11:

Eternity Snare, Skulking Knight, Sidewinder Sliver, Saffi Eriksdotter, Claws of Gix

Pick: Saffi Eriksdotter

Pack 12:

Trespasser il-Vec, Children of Korlis, Viashino Bladescout, Volcanic Awakening

Pick: Trespasser il-Vec

Pack 13:

Ground Rift, Skulking Knight, Evil Eye of Urborg

Pick: Evil Eye of Urborg

Pack 14:

Mindlash Sliver, Jhoira’s Timebug

Pick: Jhoira’s Timebug

Pack 15:


Pick: Bewilder

Pack 16:

Grapeshot, Scarwood Treefolk, Slipstream Serpent, Gaze of Justice, Strangling Soot, Mystical Teachings, Thrill of the Hunt, Shadow Sliver, Bogardan Rager, Traitor’s Clutch, Spirit Loop, Brine Elemental, Sudden Death, Bogardan Hellkite, Consecrate Land

Pick: Bogardan Hellkite

Pack 17:

Terramorphic Expanse, Drudge Reavers, Temporal Isolation, Crookclaw Transmuter, Brass Gnat, Savage Thallid, Screeching Sliver, Momentary Blink, Ancient Grudge, Premature Burial, Clockwork Hydra, Brine Elemental, Tivadar of Thorn, Orcish Librarian

Pick: Clockwork Hydra

Pack 18:

Goblin Skycutter, Penumbra Spider, Pentarch Ward, Assassinate, Aetherflame Wall, Pit Keeper, Sage of Epityr, Divine Congregation, Voidmage Husher, Phyrexian Totem, Spirit Loop, Liege of the Pit, Disenchant

Pick: Liege of the Pit

Pack 19:

Zealot il-Vec, Urborg Syphon-Mage, Aether Web, Cloudchaser Kestrel, Ghitu Firebreathing, Bewilder, Detainment Spell, Psychotic Episode, Knight of the Holy Nimbus, Dreadship Reef, Harmonic Sliver, Krosan Cloudscraper

Pick: Urborg Syphon-Mage

Pack 20:

Mindstab, Slipstream Serpent, Castle Raptors, Spiketail Drakeling, Ophidian Eye, Molder, Children of Korlis, Chronatog Totem, Harmonic Sliver, Pulmonic Sliver, Suq’Ata Lancer

Pick: Suq’Ata Lancer

Pack 21:

Ironclaw Buzzardiers, Icatian Crier, Greenseeker, Foriysian Interceptor, Basal Sliver, Drifter il-Dal, Subterranean Shambler, Celestial Crusader, Molten Slagheap, Magus of the Candelabra

Pick: Subterranean Shambler

Pack 22:

Flowstone Channeler, Trespasser il-Vec, Fortify, Spiketail Drakeling, Mystical Teachings, Thrill of the Hunt, Shadow Sliver, Bogardan Rager, Return to Dust

Pick: Trespasser il-Vec

Pack 23:

Flamecore Elemental, Mana Skimmer, Ophidian Eye, Molder, Children of Korlis, Viscid Lemures, Locket of Yesterdays, Evil Eye of Urborg

Pick: Mana Skimmer

Pack 24:

Gaze of Justice, Mystical Teachings, Thrill of the Hunt, Shadow Sliver, Traitor’s Clutch, Spirit Loop, Consecrate Land

Pick: Consecrate Land

Pack 25:

Drudge Reavers, Brass Gnat, Screeching Sliver, Ancient Grudge, Brine Elemental, Orcish Librarian

Pick: Brine Elemental

Pack 26:

Aetherflame Wall, Sage of Epityr, Divine Congregation, Voidmage Husher, Spirit Loop

Pick: Aetherflame Wall

Pack 27:

Ghitu Firebreathing, Bewilder, Detainment Spell, Harmonic Sliver

Pick: Ghitu Firebreathing

Pack 28:

Ophidian Eye, Children of Korlis, Chronatog Totem

Pick: Chronatog Totem

Pack 29:

Foriysian Interceptor, Drifter il-Dal

Pick: Drifter il-Dal

Pack 30:

Shadow Sliver

Pick: Shadow Sliver

Pack 31:

Fathom Seer, Flamecore Elemental, Gemhide Sliver, Feebleness, Castle Raptors, Chromatic Star, D’Avenant Healer, Glass Asp, Prismatic Lens, Ground Rift, Barbed Shocker, Chronatog Totem, Telekinetic Sliver, Sengir Nosferatu, Suq’Ata Lancer

Pick: Sengir Nosferatu

Pack 32:

Zealot il-Vec, Ironclaw Buzzardiers, Temporal Eddy, Lightning Axe, Mindlash Sliver, Thallid Shell-Dweller, Jhoira’s Timebug, Jedit’s Dragoons, Savage Thallid, Knight of the Holy Nimbus, Dreadship Reef, Barbed Shocker, Dralnu, Lich Lord, Ghost Ship

Pick: Lightning Axe

Pack 33:

Strength in Numbers, Errant Doomsayers, Corpulent Corpse, Viscerid Deepwalker, Ironclaw Buzzardiers, Greenseeker, Foriysian Interceptor, Basal Sliver, Drifter il-Dal, Phantom Wurm, Foriysian Totem, Chronatog Totem, Disenchant

Pick: Corpulent Corpse

Pack 34:

Flamecore Elemental, Mana Skimmer, Nantuko Shaman, Benalish Cavalry, Feebleness, Traitor’s Clutch, D’Avenant Healer, Glass Asp, Prismatic Lens, Volcanic Awakening, Chronatog Totem, Sudden Death

Pick: Sudden Death

Pack 35:

Goblin Skycutter, Zealot il-Vec, Urborg Syphon-Mage, Mindlash Sliver, Havenwood Wurm, Chameleon Blur, Flickering Spirit, Premature Burial, Restore Balance, Craw Giant, Tectonic Fiend

Pick: Premature Burial

Pack 36:

Gaze of Justice, Coral Trickster, Ivory Giant, Glass Asp, Traitor’s Clutch, Plunder, Eternity Snare, Molder, Return to Dust, Swarmyard

Pick: Swarmyard

Pack 37:

Scarwood Treefolk, Gaze of Justice, Blazing Blade Askari, Glass Asp, Traitor’s Clutch, Plunder, Eternity Snare, Fallen Ideal, Pull from Eternity

Pick: Blazing Blade Askari

Pack 38:

Drudge Reavers, Pentarch Ward, Sprout, Aetherflame Wall, Sage of Epityr, Divine Congregation, Ghostflame Sliver, Pull from Eternity

Pick: Ghostflame Sliver

Pack 39:

Flamecore Elemental, Feebleness, D’Avenant Healer, Glass Asp, Ground Rift, Barbed Shocker, Chronatog Totem

Pick: Feebleness

Pack 40:

Zealot il-Vec, Ironclaw Buzzardiers, Mindlash Sliver, Jhoira’s Timebug, Jedit’s Dragoons, Dreadship Reef

Pick: Ironclaw Buzzardiers

Pack 41:

Ironclaw Buzzardiers, Foriysian Interceptor, Drifter il-Dal, Chronatog Totem, Disenchant

Pick: Disenchant

Pack 42:

Mana Skimmer, Traitor’s Clutch, D’Avenant Healer, Glass Asp

Pick: Mana Skimmer

Pack 43:

Mindlash Sliver, Restore Balance, Tectonic Fiend

Pick: Tectonic Fiend

Pack 44:

Glass Asp, Traitor’s Clutch

Pick: Traitor’s Clutch

Pack 45:

Traitor’s Clutch

Pick: Traitor’s Clutch

Final Decklist:


1 Assassinate
1 Corpulent Corpse
2 Feebleness
1 Liege of the Pit
2 Mana Skimmer
1 Premature Burial
1 Sengir Nosferatu
1 Sudden Death
2 Trespasser il-Vec
1 Urborg Syphon-Mage
1 Suq’Ata Lancer
1 Blazing Blade Askari
1 Bogardan Hellkite
1 Flowstone Channeler
2 Lightning Axe
1 Subterranean Shambler
1 Clockwork Hydra
1 Ghostflame Sliver
8 Mountain
10 Swamp


1 Aetherflame Wall
1 Amrou Seekers
1 Bewilder
2 Brine Elemental
1 Chronatog Totem
1 Consecrate Land [FOIL]
1 Disenchant
1 Drifter il-Dal
1 Evil Eye of Urborg
1 Ghitu Firebreathing
1 Ghost Ship
1 Icatian Crier
1 Ironclaw Buzzardiers
1 Ith, High Arcanist
1 Jhoira’s Timebug
1 Orcish Librarian
1 Saffi Eriksdotter
1 Shadow Sliver
1 Swarmyard
1 Tectonic Fiend [FOIL]
2 Traitor’s Clutch

This draft started off pretty ugly. I couldn’t decide what colors I should be in, since I kept picking a card and then receiving a signal in a different color. Eventually my decision was made for me by the rares I opened. Once the rares told me what colors I should be in, I ended up drafting a pretty good deck.

I won the first round easily against what appeared to be a mono-Green deck. In the first game I played a three-drop, four-drop and five-drop, then removed all of his creatures on turn 6. Game 2 I played Sengir Nosferatu on turn 5 and it did its thing.

Round 2 was against a Red/White/Green deck featuring Fiery Justice and some mediocre creatures. I won the first game with a turn 4 Subterranean Shambler which killed two of his creatures. From there I was able to easily win without needing to play the Sengir Nosferatu or Clockwork Hydra that were in my hand. Game 2 was closer because he drew his Fiery Justice, but he was a bit mana flooded and I was attacking for two each turn with Suq’Ata Lancer, while holding Premature Burial. Eventually he drew Browbeat, which wouldn’t have done anything, but he targeted me, and conceded once he realized what had happened.

I again decided to split the finals.

Until tomorrow,


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