This draft converter created by Benjamin Peebles-Mundy.
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16 Mountain
Power of Fire
Tattermunge Duo
Vexing Shusher
Rustrazor Butcher
Horde of Boggarts
Spiteflame Witch
Burn Trail
Rosheen Meanderer
Intimidator Initiate
Mudbrawler Cohort
Ember Gale
Intimidator Initiate
Scuzzback Scrapper
Battlegate Mimic
Nobilis of War
Cinder Pyromancer
Duergar Mine-Captain
Fire at Will
Riverfall Mimic
Hearthfire Hobgoblin
Scourge of the Nobilis
Noggle Bridgebreaker
Stream Hopper
You all must love this draft. I finally played the mono Red deck and I even played one of those awful God enchantments in it!
The first set of packs seemed pretty poor so I took the crappy red cards over nothing. I was particularly happy first picking a 2/1 with no abilities. I probably made some bad picks due to my inexperience with the archetype – Rosheen Meanderer versus Ashenmoor Gouger for example. Perhaps I placed too high an value on Ember Gale. I suppose the deck came together when I got the second Initiate late.
Round 1 I played against mono Green. Game 1 I played Cinder Pyromancer then held off his army with Rosheen Meanderer until I did enough damage/built a big enough army to Ember Gale him out. Game 2 he played turn 3 Kitchen Finks but Intimidator Initiate never let it get into combat. He succumbed to a huge Horde of Boggarts.
Round 2 I played against Blue White. Game 1 we both made an army but my army of crappy dudes became far too big for his when the Nobilis of War made an appearance. Game 2 he played two lands and Boggart Arsonists blew up one of them.
Round 3 I played against a White deck that seemed to be splashing lots of colors. Game 1 he got me good with Plumeveil and I couldn’t possibly win when he followed it up with Archon of Justice. Game 2 I had a quick start but he played Steel of the Godhead on his turn 3 Augury Adept. I was eventually able to deal with it with Power of Fire on a dude and Fire at Will. Fortunately he also attacked with his Beligerent Hatchling that turn and it traded with my Battlegate Mimic. If he had held it back and built it up to a 6/6 I never would’ve been able to deal with it. From there he flooded but I couldn’t find a fifth land for the Scourge of Nobilis. He almost took control of the game with Woeleecher and Barrenton Medic but I found the land for the Scourge just before he could get that online and killed him with all my little dorks. Game 3 I had a really good draw but he was able to stabilise with Plumeveil plus Power of Fire and Archon of Justice. I was able to do exactly enough with Burn Trail and Ember Gale the turn before he killed my last guy with the Power of Fire.
Until tomorrow…