
Drafting With Rich – Shadowmoor / Eventide #26

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Wednesday, October 1st – Canadian draft maestro Rich Hoaen takes us for a stroll through an 8-4 Shadowmoor / Eventide draft on Magic Online, from pick 1 to pick 45, and shares his special insights after the draft and in the forums.

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Godhead of Awe
Inkfathom Infiltrator
Consign to Dream
Glamer Spinners
Turn to Mist
Elsewhere Flask
2 Wingrattle Scarecrow
Inquisitor’s Snare
Flow of Ideas
Curse of Chains
Watchwing Scarecrow
Wicker Warcrawler
Gravelgill Axeshark
Parapet Watchers
Shorecrasher Mimic
Ballynock Trapper
Loyal Gyrfalcon
Crag Puca
Wistful Selkie
Selkie Hedge-Mage
Riverfall Mimic
12 Island
6 Plains

I actually thought about taking Leech Bonder with my first pick but went with Godhead because it’s so powerful despite the restrictive mana cost. Fortunately the Blue was coming. I tried to wait to figure out whether to pair it with Blue or Black. It seemed like the White was coming late but I already had the very powerful River’s Grasp.

I knew I was going to be playing a lot of Islands so the Flow of Ideas would be excellent. I don’t make that pick often but when Flow averages five cards it is an absolute bomb.

I ended up playing White over Black (although I thought about playing both) because there just weren’t any Black playables for me to take and a few White cards filled out the deck quite nicely although the Gyrfalcon was obviously pretty mediocre.

Round one I played against a deck with lots of colours. Game one he missed his third land drop for a couple turns and got me to overcommit and he had Firespout when he drew his third land. He came back with some defensive White creatures like Ballynock Trapper and a couple Barrenton Medics. I was stuck with a couple White cards in hand and no Plains. It looked like I was going to die very slowly until I drew into Flow of Ideas. I played it but still couldn’t mount an offense through his Medics and Mistmeadow Witch. I eventually died to Safehold Sentry with Elemental Mastery on it. Game two I had a good draw and beat him down with lots of flyers and Inkfathom Infiltrator with the Hedge-Mage saved from his Curse of Chains. Game three was going pretty well for a little while – he blocked my Axeshark with his Medic then I played Godhead to eat the Medic. Unfortunately he had Power of Fire to start picking off my guys. I was able to squeeze in a point to put him on a three turn clock with Godhead of Awe. Fortunately he didn’t draw one of his five or so answers and I won what seemed to be a pretty bad matchup.

Round two was pretty miserable. I lost the first game to Seedcradle Witch. I had no way to remove it and combat was always unwinnable. I boarded in Last Breath for game two and had it for his Witch on turn two but I never played a fourth land and died with a bunch of four and five drops in hand.

Until tomorrow when Nick and I go head to head…
