
Drafting With Olivier – Shards/Conflux/Reborn #12

Draft with Olivier Ruel... at StarCityGames.com!
Wednesday, June 24th – Hall of Famer Olivier Ruel takes us through an 8-4 draft queue on Magic Online. He shares some comprehensive thoughts about both the picks and the games, and talks us through each step of the way! If you’re looking to improve your Limited game, this is the article series for you!

Pack 1 pick 1:

My Pick:

Magma Spray fits more decks while Naya Charm is only really good in WGr but it is also one of the best cards there is in that archetype (one I haven’t drafted much in ACR). Magma Spray probably is the best pick but I feel like trying something here.

Pack 1 pick 2:

My Pick:

I’ll draft WG and splash for one of my two first picks

Pack 1 pick 3:

” “ALA”);’>

My Pick:

Close pick between the two exalted guys. Sigiled Paladin is a little stronger to me as I don’t really mind the double White in the casting cost. After all in a WG aggro deck white is almost always the main color so having the double white on turn 2 should not be a big deal.

Pack 1 pick 4:

My Pick:

Druid of the Anima is good too but I am not a huge kind of the card in a very aggressive deck. Indeed even though it could help splashing the Charm it is too fragile to be considered a true fixer and not aggro enough to support the beatdown.

Pack 1 pick 5:

My Pick:

Not a great archetype for the hunter but the best for the 1/1.

Pack 1 pick 6:

My Pick:

Pack 1 pick 7:

My Pick:

Pack 1 pick 8:

My Pick:

Pack 1 pick 9:

My Pick:

Pack 1 pick 10:

My Pick:

Pack 1 pick 11:

My Pick:

Pack 1 pick 12:

My Pick:

Pack 1 pick 13:

My Pick:

Pack 1 pick 14:

My Pick:

Pack 1 pick 15:

My Pick:

Pack 2 pick 1:

My Pick:

Pack 2 pick 2:

My Pick:

Sphere would have helped for the splash but in an aggro deck a good two-drop is a lot more precious than a fixer that will keep you from playing spells for two turns.

Pack 2 pick 3:

My Pick:

Once again the fixer (Spire) could have been useful but it’s not so good in an aggro deck and my deck definitely needed a removal spell.

Pack 2 pick 4:

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My Pick:

Pack 2 pick 5:

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My Pick:

These last two picks make my deck quite amazing… I should not even need a splash now.

Pack 2 pick 6:

My Pick:

Pack 2 pick 7:

My Pick:

Pack 2 pick 8:

My Pick:

Pack 2 pick 9:

My Pick:

Pack 2 pick 10:

My Pick:

Pack 2 pick 11:

My Pick:

Pack 2 pick 12:

My Pick:

Pack 2 pick 13:

My Pick:

Pack 2 pick 14:

My Pick:

Pack 3 pick 1:

My Pick:

This is actually the wrong pick. I should definitely have taken the Crystallization. With so many great and cheap spells all I need now is some removal not a spell which no matter how great it is will unbalance my mana curve.

Pack 3 pick 2:

My Pick:

Would be close with Qasali Pridemage if I didn’t already have that many early drops.

Pack 3 pick 3:

My Pick:

It will help if I eventually decide to run Stoic Angel. I’m probably running it anyway as it is a Plains that pumps Manaplasm.

Pack 3 pick 4:

My Pick:

Quite an amazing fourth pick which also make my previous pick excellent.

Pack 3 pick 5:

My Pick:

I’m not playing any Blue cards except for my two rares to avoid making my deck unstable and Sunlight could possibly help buy some time.

Pack 3 pick 6:

My Pick:

Pack 3 pick 7:

My Pick:

Pack 3 pick 8:

My Pick:

With this new dual the deck should be very consistant.

Pack 3 pick 9:

My Pick:

Pack 3 pick 10:

My Pick:

Pack 3 pick 11:

My Pick:

Pack 3 pick 12:

My Pick:

Pack 3 pick 13:

My Pick:

Pack 3 pick 14:

My Pick:

Pack 3 pick 15:

My Pick:

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7 Forest
6 Plains
2 Island
1 Wildfield Borderpost
1 Fieldmist Borderpost
1 Tukatongue Thallid
2 Valeron Outlander
2 Aven Squire
1 Qasali Pridemage
2 Sigiled Paladin
1 Manaplasm
1 Qasali Ambusher
1 Naya Battlemage
1 Cliffrunner Behemoth
1 Mycoid Shepherd
1 Wild Leotau
1 Stoic Angel
1 Enlisted Wurm
1 Might of Alara
1 Path to Exile
1 Celestial Purge
2 Sigil of the Nayan Gods
1 Excommunicate
1 Finest Hour

1 Rockcaster Platoon
1 Wargate
1 Yoked Plowbeast
1 Tortoise Formation
1 Naturalize
1 Violent Outburst
1 Scattershot Archer
1 Drastic Revelation
2 Captured Sunlight
1 Forest
1 Offering to Asha
1 Forest
1 Frontline Sage
1 Infectious Horror
1 Fusion Elemental
1 Esper Charm
1 Island
1 Naya Charm
1 Swamp

The deck is just unbelievable it has most of the best cards I could ask for. I now regret two picks from the draft: Paladin over Squire and Wurm over Crystallization. I’ve explained the latter above and the Paladin pick was wrong because when you can go white aggro you usually have a lot of two drops anyway.

Round 1: Esper

In the first game I’m greedy and keep a one-lander with Sigil on the draw. That hand only needed a single land to be able to compete with a good draw but I never saw it. I guess keeping was the wrong choice anyway… it’s not like I’ve a deck that is not good enough to handle a mulligan.

The second game is much better for me as I have turn 5 Finest Hour when he’s still stuck on three lands without a Black mana. It’s the first time I actually play the card and it’s rather amazing. It is like a Rafiq that can’t be targeted by removal. I win that game and in the third one for the first game in which we both play spells I easily win a race that should have been close thanks to a turn 3 flashed Qasali Ambusher.

Round 2: UWRB

Turn 2 and 3 Esper Stormblade is a fine start but it is no match versus a Valeron Outlander Manaplasm/Ambusher Mycoid Shepherd opening. Even though he plays another two guys on turn 5 and 6 the game is mine on turn 6 after I Excommunicate his last blocker.

In game 2 my draws are much worse pushing me into defending and my opponent into jumping right into a two-for-one Agony Warp which seals the game. On the decisive game I open with Valeron Outlander and Manaplasm and on turn 4 I play a fourth land and have to choose between the following: Cliffrunner Behemoth Excommunicate Qasali Ambusher and Sigil of the Nayan Gods. His only blocker is Kathari Screecher. I haven’t seen a single non-Black removal spell in his deck so far so I decide to play the Aura on the 2/2. That’s when another interesting play occurs as he plays Blightning and I decide to keep the 2/3 in hand. Quite a greedy choice considering the fact that he has seen it and that I discard the best card my deck could produce with four mana. Luckily he doesn’t pay attention to it and attacks into Ambusher. Two turns later and despite a nice Bituminous Blast into Goblin Outlander he dies unable to stop my pro Black guy.

Round 3: Bant

These were two quick games as my deck gave me two of the best draws I could get: turn 2 guy turn 3 Manaplasm and turn 4 five-power guy. Those starts were followed by solid back up plan and I could win the match and go to sleep happy as I wouldn’t have to cash in for my next draft.

Until Friday…
