
MTGCast #212 – FNM Mammary Promo Conspiracy

The StarCityGames.com Open Series comes to St. Louis!
Wednesday, June 23rd – On this week€™s edition of MTGCast, the guys discuss the changes to Extended, EDH bannings, Archenemy, and much more!

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MTGCast #212 – FNM Mammary Promo Conspiracy
“You read it somewhere else, but you heard it here first!”

This Week in Magic
It’s a full show with Tom, Conley, Jack and Marcel for a bit. News of the week is the announcement of the changes to Extended, Conley and the team joins on what decks will be hot and some key cards to hold on to or pick up (*cough* Reflecting Pool, Faeries staples, Swans of Bryn Argoll). MTGCast is the first official sponsor of Kelly Reid Quiet Speculation road trip. New EDH bannings of Staff of Domination, Channel, Tolarian Academy, as well as banning Rofellos, Llanowar Emissary as a general. Archenemy release was this weekend and we have another promotional Scheme card, Your Inescapable Doom! Sun Titan is the M11 pre-release promo and Ancient Hellkite is the release promo. Jeremey Lochridge Wins Standard Open in Seattle and Kyle Boddy Wins the Legacy Open portion.

What Have We Been Playing?
We change it up and talk about our favorite decks and cards (and what rules we fudged up) when we first started playing magic.

Listener Emails
Link to the better-than-baby-powder DZ-Nuts. Link to the cool new MTG blog, 60cards.com. Evidence supporting the odd “boob job” conspiracy for FNM cards. Link to the new Plane, Pitimp’s Lair.

MTGCast News
Congratulations to Yo! MTG Taps for a sponsorship with StarCityGames!

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Tom at pitimp@mtgcast.com or papabear@mtgcast.com
Gavin at lesurgo@mtgcast.com
Jack at jack@mtgcast.com
Eric at eric@mtgcast.com
Conley at conley@mtgcast.com

Steve at steve@mtgcast.com
Marcel at marcel@mtgcast.com

Tom & Gavin & Jack & Eric & Conley & Steve & Marcel – Your Monday Night Magic news team!