Above The Curve #30: Getting The Band Back Together

Join Brad, Gerry, Todd, and Glenn as they talk all about #SCGINVI! They’ll also give you a chance to win a box of M14!

Hey there viewers!

First off, thanks for watching Above The Curve. We appreciate your support! 

For us, keeping this show great is a priority, and we want improve the show as much as we can. That’s why we’re calling upon our viewers to help us out! Below, you’ll find a link to a survey for Above The Curve. Fill out the survey in its entirety and you’ll be entered into a drawing for a chance to win a box of Magic 2014 Core Set!* 

You’ll find the survey here: http://www.esurveyspro.com/s/246990/abovethecurve

Thanks again everyone!

Jonathan Choi, Producer for Above The Curve

*US residents only for the box prize; international winners will be awarded equivalent store credit.