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Weapons of Mass Distraction: The Process Defined

This week: States and how I want to be like , plus what criteria your deck will need to meet to have any chance this weekend. SWORN TO SECRECY At about this time last year, began a campaign on rec.games.trading-card.magic.strategy to create a brand-new archetype deck to play at States. He posted a primary decklist…

States: Tech For The Stupid

Look at this: Limited: 1628 Rating 25 Matches 4 Events Team Limited – Trios: 1578 Rating 6 Matches 1 Events Composite: 1585 Points 4 Events Constructed: 1542 Rating 33 Matches 7 Events Say it with me (a la on "Friends") OH MY GOD. Now look at this: 04/29/00 2000 US Regionals Columbus, OH: 367th place…

Magic Writers: The Next Cards In The New Expansion?!

What’s Invasion known for? Extremely expensive spells that do amazing things. Not the least of these are the awesome legends that are included in the set. Ranging from Dragons to Clerics to Angels, Wizards has arrayed the set with various different kinds of legends. But, they left one legend type out: Creature – Writer Legend….

Road To States: T-minus 4 Days

I have done a goodly amount of playtesting, networking, and strategizing in the ten days since my last post, and have come to the conclusion that the deck has real promise. It has evolved past”Annoying Legends.dec” and has earned its other name,”The Borg.” In the process it has undergone numerous shifts on included cards, but…

What Is The Strongest Color For Standard Constructed?

Is that the question? I miss … You know I used to pummel people with , , – and then drop the . Take that first strike hit…. But those days are gone, and there doesn’t seem to be black beats anymore. Black is down like a steeped in a Louisiana still… except as a…

Sullivan Library: Magical Spells And Fantastic Creatures: Invasion’s Impact On Magic’s Best Format

I had the extreme pleasure of going to the Team Pro Tour at New York this year, and the tournament was pretty miserable for me. Why the extreme pleasure? I got to see some friends. I got to play in some side events. My other team (“We’ve Got Girlfriends,” Andy Nishioka and Richie Frangiosa as…

Casual Fridays #62: Interlude

With the Hall of Fame taking up time and energy on both the Ferrett’s part and mine, I figured this week I would give both of us just a small break and do something more simple. There are some things I would like to cover anyway, without waiting three weeks. I apologize to those who…


I’ve found it’s best for me to sleep in my room with the lights on and the door open. Since I’m on a ten-hour rotation, you’ll find me unconscious at the most ridiculous hours, regardless of my plans for the day. This has an ill effect on my partners for these proposed activities. However, an…

Jon Finkel: An Exclusive Interview

Do you have questions or comments on anything you’d like to add to my ongoing interview segments? Look here first for the word from professional Magic players all over the world! : Please list your Magic achievements for your fans. : Well, I won the 2000 World Championships and US Nationals, as well as 1998…

Epiphany: Might Of Oaks And That Annoying Kid

I’m pretty sure that I remember the EXACT moment when things started to make sense – in the World O’ Magic, at least. It was one little sentence that abruptly molded me into the what-the-hell-kind-of-player/writer-are-you that I am today. "What the hell are you?" -Jack Lemmon, Glengarry Glen Ross It all started during round 1…

A History Of Necropotence

New sets bring new ideas – sometimes, though, a new card sparks off the memory of an older time, a time when one red mana could cause three damage, a time when white had efficient creature removal. Invasion brings us a card called Blazing Spectre. The moment I saw it, I thought fondly of my…

The Multiplayer MTG Hall Of Fame Part I: Blue And Black

WHITE GENERAL COMMENTS: White is probably more able than any other color to recover from massive board-clearing spells. That?s a good characteristic in multiplayer. White?s basic strengths — LIFEGAIN, PROTECTION, UTILITY, and MASS REMOVAL — all translate just fine into multiplayer. All of these characteristics are represented here. Note that white and green are the…

Welcome To My Nightmare

Greetings, all! This week, I’ve decided to torture you. We’re going to be doing a little bit of role-playing. The main focus of this article: To express the sheer amount of Jedi Tricks and other joyfully amazing plays available in the current Type II. Let’s get to it, shall we? Scenario One: In this scenario,…

The Definitive Ankh Tide Sourcebook

Always wanted to write something like that: Definitive. Anyway, I think it probably shows something that I’m the guy that knows this deck. What that is, I’m not sure. It was an inferior deck for last season. I still won about 75-80% percent of my games and made local top 8s very consistently with it……

PTQ: Tokyo, Akron, Ohio

Can I blame the fact that I suck on Friday the 13th? Preamble, Friday the 13th: I done built some decks, woman! In anticipation of improving my 1-7 record in the (flat as hell) state of Ohio, bought a box of starters and boosters and built mad (as those wacky kids are known to say…