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The first thing I need to do this week is tell you I screwed up. Last week, I published in my Grand Prix Dallas report that produces any color of mana save that which the land originally produced. This was an error. PoL creates a simple replacement effect. It replaces "This basic land produces <color>"…

How To Write A Magic Article That I (Or Anyone) Will Publish

Submissions. I get ’em. And I want more. But sometimes I have to reject ’em. It has been said that SOME sites will publish "anything that’s sent to them,"* but the fact is that probably a fifth of all articles submitted here get rejected – and that’s including the Featured Columnists, who usually don’t get…

Fortune Cookie

Sometime, about six years ago or so when I was in my late twenties, I went date with a girl I had known for a short time, and we talked about what we were doing and where we were going in life. I think we both pretty much came to the conclusion that our friendship…

PA States: I’m With Hip-Hop

Mapquest says that Harrisburg is four hours and random minutes from Pittsburgh. Scott Teamann says it’s three and a half hours, so I can pick him up at six on Saturday morning and get there with time to spare, but on Friday night I get a "something’s come up" email. A little bummed I am,…

Ten Extended Decks to Beat, Part #2: Trix And Stasis

Ten Extended Decks to Beat #3: Trix Trix has an interesting ancestry, one that can be traced to the number of "cereal" nicknamed decks that it evolved from. First, there was Fruity Pebbles, the R/U/W/B deck that used the // engine to kill an opponent. Later, black was added to the deck to run ,…

A Fine Day At The Virginia State Championship, Part 1

I’m sure the question on everyone’s mind is,”Did Bennie defend his title?” The answer is”no,” but I came damn close – I lost in the quarterfinals, one match away from the finals. 4th place is a fine showing, all things considered, and I had an absolutely great time. A fantastic environment, pleasant opponents (by and…

Well, They Might As Well Be Zombies

This week’s been one of those where forces around you put aside their differences and concentrate on sabotaging your fun. The worst part is that it has happened insidiously. Everyone around me is rediscovering an interest in Magic. Still more terrifying is how smart they all are. I ask Adam for a prediction of the…

Tonight Is The Night I Feel Asleep At The Wheel…A Tournament Report From Kentucky States *Top 15*

It was last Sunday night, after an exhausting session of playtesting (I was then running a janky control white deck). My chances of attending States was very slim. (Unlike myself!) I was feeling horrible, and the game that has brought me much happiness began to lack appeal for me. I guess I miss Urza’s Block…

Casual Fridays #63: Hall Of Fame, Resumption: Red, Gold, And Lands

GENERAL COMMENTS: A bit like green, red has to give up a bit of its mindless rush instincts in multiplayer and concentrate on its control aspects. Of red’s two primary themes – DIRECT DAMAGE and LAND DESTRUCTION – neither can maintain its usual stock of staples (Lightning Bolt, Stone Rain) and expect to do as…

Diabolic Cows: The Schematics Of Multiplayer And Bovine Influence

Up until now, you may not have realized that demonically-possessed cows play a vital role in multiplayer design. I don’t blame you for not having figured this out before… Mainly because they don’t. Which begs the question: "So why in hell did you call this column ‘Diabolic Cows?’ " The answer is, as with most…

Slugs And Thallids: Multiplayer’s Respite From States

This week’s an odd one. We’re just before the States, and probably the biggest change in Magic, in the last two years. Any strategy I could give you has been hammered out by a million other strategy pundits; a million other pundits have suggested any decks I might suggest (in one form or another). That’s…

Final Judgement: Grand Prix Dallas Report

From the onset, this looks suspiciously like a tournament report (funny how titles do that), but I promise all of you rules junkies your weekly fix. That’s the great thing about tournament reports from Judges: it’s all about funky rules situations (plus some random stuff). I jetted to Dallas from San Antonio after spending a…

Price of Progress: The Magic Invitational Preview

In a week, I’ll be hopping on a plane to Sydney, Australia to compete in the Magic: the Gathering Invitational, thanks largely to the votes from the readers of StarCityCCG.com. (You GO, girl! – ) Most of you probably know what the Invitational is all about, but in case you haven’t, here’s the general idea….

Interview With Gary Wise

: Mr. Wise, as a start to the interview I would like to ask you a background question: What Pro Tours, Grand Prixes, and so on have you participated in and how have you done in them? : Well, I’ve actually been around for a long time now. My first PT was Dallas, at the…

Ten Extended Decks To Beat, Part 1: Stompy And Three-Deuce

Ten Extended Decks to Beat #1: Stompy Stompy’s rise to power arrived with the release of and the cheap and powerful and . Running an extremely low mana base and , the deck was packed with the undercosted and overpowered green creatures that could overrun an opponent (literally, since was usually the kill card) by…