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Force of Will: Prophet On The Moon Of Endor

The big question looming is, how much does enchantment hate drop off in the new Extended environment?

FINAL JUDGEMENT: Exclusive Interview With Sheldon Menery!

Sheldon interviews Sheldon’s ego. No, wait, that’s just
Sheldon. We think.

Ferrettish Fridays #70: Challenge In The City Of Barcels

Adrian Sullivan, that glorious pied piper of playstyle,
introduced me to my first game of 5-Color Magic at Pro Tour LA.

Multiplayer Is An Art, Part 2: The United Nations

How many more responses to an article of his does a man need to make him happy? I received enough of them to make myself rush to write the next story about multiplayer decks. And it will be, as I promised, about politics and a very politic deck. Now I know some of the more…

Peace of Mind: Integrity

What is honor? Whatever it is, it isn’t qualifying for Tokyo and then telling everyone to Bock themselves.

CASUAL FRIDAYS #83: Diary Of An Emotionally Weary Canine

Man, this site has gone to the dogs – and so has Anthony’s column! Turquoise, the Alongi family canine, details Anthony’s”Magicpalooza” week.

1800 or Bust!: How Many Colours?

Jim’s roommate:”If you build a 5-Color deck, I’ll build one too.” Then he punked out. What’s a playa to do?

Casual Play: Getting A Deck On The Black Market

It’s tough to use up twenty-five mana with just a Diabolic Edict in hand, so I mana burned quite brightly. But other times it worked quite well.

All Your Fad Are Belong To Us

What if Britney Spears played Magic? Well, for one thing she’d probably get crushed to death at a Grand Prix, but she might write a song, too.

Doin’ it Walrus Style (And Get Your Mind Out of the Gutter)

A bouncy little deck that might mutate for the better after 7th rotates in… IF Duress is in there.

Metagame This

So. Fires is a good deck. So. Everyone is going to play it at Regionals. Not to be crass, but I doubt it. I think.


You’ve read this before, but it was different.

Multiplayer Is An Art: The Ivory Gargoyle Deck

Reading articles about multiplayer or other sorts of casual play is a favourite pastime of mine. I always enjoy reading about good plays made by others in epic games with six or more players. I always enjoy reading about multiplayer strategies, and I always enjoy reading about decks created especially for multiplayer. And that’s why…

Red Zone Redux

Elation. The word is cheapened by overuse. Proper elation is not mere joy brought by a lucky topdeck; one needs drama, tension, and trepidation beforehand to bring the recipient to a downcast, muttering funk before an earnest prayer is fulfilled, bringing satisfaction and a sense of pure thankfulness for good grace. Elation is when you…

CASUAL FRIDAYS #82: The Further Adventures Of Super-Hippo

I would like to pre-emptively respond to all of the people who are going criticize, obliquely or directly, the new artwork in 7th Edition.