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On The Outside Lookin’ In: Lessons Learned From Regionals

Close. So close. What could I have done to change my final, one-short-of-the Top 8 standings? What could YOU do?

Response To Joshua Sharp’s Article To My Article

Politics still don’t exist, darnit, and I think our
disagreement is just wordplay.

THE BEST AND WORST OF THE NET – 04/16 – 04/22/00

This isn’t just a random collection of article links spurred by haphazard browsing, promissory notes, and stuff what my friends writ!

Grand Prix Detroit Report

I demolished my 1700-flag and all I got were these lousy

FINAL JUDGEMENT: Rulings To Keep In Mind At Regionals

A lot of reminders about how to play cards and what doesn’t work that may mean the difference between win and lose!

CASUAL FRIDAYS #86: 84, Plus Two

Readers reveal many ways to get to”84″. Also, two other matters: Alongi concedes Gore-style to Rizzo, and ends the article with some insights on Noxious Vapors.

The Weakest Link

Eight creatures crashed into a stage with nine podiums. A short, aging woman with an acid glare walked down the aisle.

All’s Fair In Love And The Writer War

Is Sol Malka calculating and shrewd? Or an opportunist? Who cares?

1800 or Bust!: Counter Rebel on Tour, Part II

He made it… But only after losing his first two rounds. Yeowtch. How do you make a comeback like that?

Force Of Will: Non-Allied Color Deck Ideas For Regionals

You work from a green base and go from there; now all your green base belong to Will.

Reconstruction Of Fables

Aesop is playing a game of Magic, and he’s got two Story
Circles out. What is the moral?

FINAL JUDGEMENT: Keep An Eye On The Other Guy

A guy flashes hundred-dollar bills in a seedy bar and gets mugged. Who’s to blame? An article on responsibility.

CASUAL FRIDAYS #85: You Are The Weakest Link. Goodbye.

It’s been a while since I said this, and you really need to hear it: in the long run, political games get you nowhere in multiplayer.

Literary Legends

What would characters from classy literature look like as Magic cards?

1800 or Bust!: Counter Rebel On Tour, Part I

He’s been getting into shape, practicing his butt off. And now it’s the Bath tournament. How does Grimmett fare?