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I’m Not Dead Yet!

The math just doesn’t add up. There needs to be an attendance-based qualifying formula for Regionals.

Yawgmoth’s Whimsy #8: While We Were Gone…

Why do I play FNM? Well, partially because I can get a lot of games in. And things happen at FNM that would never happen in a PTQ.

CASUAL FRIDAYS #87: Tap G To Regenerate Star City

…And click here to start thinking about Apocalypse and its effect on group play!

Multiplayer Is An Art: Part 4: Blazing Effigy

Hey, no less a man than Anthony Alongi called Stijn”The
S**t.” With compliments like that, how can we NOT make him our latest Featured Writer?

FINAL JUDGEMENT: Resurrection In The Wasteland

Sheldon arrived to find a dead tourney scene – but in a year, we had record tourney attendance. We asked him how he did it; you might wanna listen hard.

Slash and Burn: Two Wildfire Decks For Standard

Okay, it was cutting edge three weeks ago before we went down. Since then, others have written articles. But I still have something to say.

Price of Progress: Pro Tour – Barcelona Report

I didn’t win, sure, but I drafted and played better than I have in years and I feel good about the upcoming tournaments.

I Didn’t Go To Win…

…and it’s a good thing, too. Daniel chronicles the Jolly Losers in the Chairless Room.

1800 or Bust!: Suicide Isn’t Painless!

What does it take for a new Suicide deck to work in Type II – or can it work at all? A little playtesting provides some answers.

Casual Play: A Deck Of Legendary Proportions

The Legendary Deck Of Infinite Dragons. Can it be done? You bet.

One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, BOOM!

I got introduced to NetherHaips. I put together a copy and it just killed everything I was playing.

The Guy That Invented Regionals Needs To Be Beaten Up: Part 1

And Rizzo might need a sock in the gut, too, after writing a FORTY-PAGE TOURNAMENT REPORT! With pictures. Strategy. And the usual Rizzian touch.

The Guy That Invented Regionals Needs To Be Beaten Up: Part 2

Aw, screw it. Que sera sera and all that jazz. What was I gonna do anyway, win Regionals? 4/17/01 The last run at CMU. And stuff. Serious testing against Turbo-Haups ensued. We won. It lost. Badly. Here’s why: , , . If one of those cards hits play, it’s bad news for the Haups guy….

The Guy That Invented Regionals Needs To Be Beaten Up: Part 3

Round 4: Kyle (no last name ’cause I forgot to write it down), G/W Flores-Type Junk Type of Guy: Nice Type of Opponent: Fun to play against Game 1: Kyle drops Sergeant, Boa, Boa, Cloaks the first Boa (it was his favorite Boa, I guess) while I drop a fresh one and scoop when he…

Peace of Mind: Crash And Burn

Foregoing my Crimson Tide deck, I settled on Dueling Grounds and Questing Phelddagrif, and overnight developed Leeloo.