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Bad Deckbuilder’s Corner: Suicide Black in Standard

Is this incarnation of Suicide Black a Tier 1 deck? Maybe not. Is it one that people are expecting? Definitely not.

You CAN Play Type I #3: Rating New Cards From, Say, Apocalypse

In Type I, despite the much larger card pool, the rule is very simple: Is this card better than everything else?

Broken Beyond Repair

I hate pros. But I still think it would be cool to be one. Specifically, Eugene”Eubroken” Harvey.

CASUAL FRIDAYS #90: The Birth Of The Apocalyptic Whirlpool

The Whirlpool creatures are bad. Not bad like Michael-Jackson-wants-people-to-think-he’s-cool bad, just bad. And that’s good.

Every Dog Has His Day: Booster Draft Report (*1st*) – Handa, Japan

“Every Dog Has His Day”: A True Account of An Unintelligible Foreigner’s Seven-Year Quest And Its Culmination I hate weddings. I hate going to them, I hate sitting through the long speeches, I hate sitting in the suit. I no longer mind wearing a tie, but I still don’t like the noose. And I dislike…

Lords of Atlantis: The Millennial Minstrel Lockdown Show

Joshua discusses the new tech revealed at Nationals: Saproling Lockdown!

Price of Progress: 2001 US Nationals *Top 8 *

First he got judged out of the Top 8 at Nationals. Then he got judged back in. Either way, The King Of Beatdown’s coming back!

Limited Is An Art, Part 1: Apocalyptic Prerelease *2nd*.

Stijn takes some time away from multiplayer deckbuilding to smash house with Necrocritter madness!

You CAN Play Type I #2: Why You Shouldn’t Force Of Will A Channeled Fireball

StarCity’s latest Featured Writer discusses some of the subtleties of Type One Play. Wow, aren’t we high on T1 now?

Perceiving The Weakest Link: Redefining Multiplayer Politics,

For once and for all, the Ferrett gives his definition of multiplayer politics. Brace yerself, Bridget!

An Apocalypse Overview: Opinions on Standard, Draft, and Sleeper Cards

Apocalypse is taking conventional thinking and turning it 180 degrees, in directions the game hasn’t ever gone.

The Apocalypse Nifty Top 50

I like all-set reviews because you get another viewpoint. Therefore, I’m offering up my opinions to those who are interested.

Why Can’t Wizards Make An Evil Bargain Again?

Come on, Wizards… Yawgmoth’s Bargain isn’t broken without Rector. Bring it back.

Dirty Shirt And All: A Prerelease Extravaganza

Okay, he submitted it that Saturday. But all those photos take time to develop! Here’s yer Rizzo PR goodness.

CASUAL FRIDAYS #89: Casual Reflections From A Prerelease

Playing at a prerelease is one of the best ways to get ideas for new casual decks. And you don’t have to lose at the event, either.