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Double or Nothing: One, Two, Three… GO!

Team PhatBeats has been doing some playtesting – and in addition to the usual tweaks of U/G Madness and mono-black, they share some of the less-popular decks that have been faring well in their testing…

You CAN Play Type I #51: Back To Basics Vs. The Deck

If a player still needs Back to Basics after packing a deck full of the most efficient counters ever printed, the strongest card draw and manipulation selection in a single color, a smooth mana base, plus Morphling-wall and Powder Kegs… Well, he should go play Pokemon.

More To Winning Than Playing Well: Breaking The Barrier

I can’t believe I made it to the semi-finals for the four-way prize split in the OBC tourney; I have the actual crisp, green bill in my hands, and I still can’t believe it. But it wasn’t my amazing play skills that brought me to the peak.

The Three Steps To The Last Ten Percent, Part II

You have to know your deck and your strategy all the way to the marrow. Once you know yourself well enough not to ask,”What am I going to do now?” you can focus on asking the question,”What is my opponent going to do now?” And that’s what wins games.

The Daily Shot: Magic Poll Theater 2000

The setting is a darkened movie theatre. After a few seconds of inactivity, soft footsteps are heard, and four people, black figures silhouetted against the blank screen, begin to make their way to the center of a row of seats.

Magic Art Matters – An Overlooked Gem from Judgment

During my last artwork critique, I offhandedly stated that Worldgorger Dragon was the best red artwork in Judgment. Well, I was browsing through the Magic Arcana archives on magicthegathering.com, and let me tell you I missed a doozie.

The Semi-Daily Shot: Ten Mistakes To Avoid When Decktesting

So Geordie went 1-2 at the latest GPT trial. What were the ten mistakes he made while creating his barrel-scraping Llawan Reality deck – and how can YOU avoid them?

The Danger Of Cool Reprints

Why shouldn’t Wizards just drop the policy and make us all happy with affordable Moxen and Time Walks and Sinkholes, oh my? There is a simple reason… And it’s all about YOU!

Multiplayer Is An Art, Part 12: Rhox.

Well, it turns out that last week we posted #13 and missed #12! So Stijn backtracks to discuss the prevalence of newbie Rhox players in his area and how he deals with them graciously, defeating them whilst teaching them.

The Daily Shot: That’s Me In The Spotlight – Losing My Credibility

Geordie’s back now that his new modem has arrived – and the Daily Shot continues! Today, he discusses the reasons for bringing his Alter Reality-based OBC deck to a Grand Prix Trial…

The Twin Fires: OBC and Type 2 G/R at Origins

I really wanted to make G/R work in OBC… And I disagree with The Ferrett. I think there is a way to make it work. And I went to Origins to prove myself right, and him wrong.

Lies, Damned Lies, And Statistics

We’re devoting pretty much all of today to Type One debate… But really, I want to get back to strategy. Strategy – you know, what this site is ostensibly about? Anyway, in the decapitated-chicken flailings of many a Type One player or hater, many facts seem to go by the wayside – and I really need to address some of these from a business perspective.

OBC Musings

WonderWurm pretty much crushes everything we’ve thrown at it. It’s a beatstick and a half, and can kill by turn 5 pretty regularly. However, how it fares against the various weenie white variants has yet to be determined with a fair amount of certainly.

Mini Tourney Report: Legion Invitational

It was a strange Invitational tournament, where I got terribly luck-screwed at 5-Color and familarity-screwed by Draft… But I did get to see the future of Extended as seen by some of the top pros, my friends, and let me tell you that the future is base-blue.

The Three Steps To The Last Ten Percent, Part 1

Say Kai Budde and Jon Finkel sit down across from each other playing identical decks. Who will win? The luckier one, most likely. Now, say Kai Budde and Random Scrub sit down across from each other. Most likely, Kai’s going to win. But if Random Scrub #1 and Random Scrub #2 face off, who will win now? The one who knows psychology.