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OBC Rogue: Recoup D’Evil

I pretty much scrap the idea of trying to work on Recoup D’Evil, just because I don’t have the time it looks like I will need to make this deck work. My phone rings and it’s Kevin Davis – a local player who asks me about the deck.”Have you given up on it?” “Yeah, pretty much,” I say.”Don’t,” he replies. “We’ve made some improvements.”

Double or Nothing: PTQ Houston in Bath

All right, so Jim didn’t do that well at the tourey itself… But he brought back a detailed chart of what did well, what percentages of decks did well, and what the winning decks had in them! Want to know what cards fuel the latest decks? Check it out.

The Daily Shot: Thankew, Thankew, Thankew

In truth, this is my”thank you” column. We’ve been going for three months now (ever since I started this whole thing off with”Five Articles In Five Days”), with no signs of slowing down, and it’s been a great ride. The shaky early days are over, and I’m getting the feeling you’re going to be seeing me on StarCity, every day, for a long, long time.

Not Dead Yet: Thoughts On Peasant Magic And Type One

What I have noticed about Peasant Magic are that it seems very beatdown-oriented; if I remember right, the Origins top eight were all beatdown decks. But Pauper Magic allows you to play with ideas like CounterBurn, Control Black, and Millstone… And attract customers to your store.

You CAN Play Type I #52: Type I’s Nantuko Conspiracy, Part I

Nantuko Shade – an autodrop into any Suicide Black deck, right? Certainly you’re seeing it in most builds as a given. But that one card changes the whole nature of the deck… And Oscar tells you why.

The Daily Shot: Choose Your Own Adventure, Part 2

The ‘Tog wins it after ten or so turns of me casting Standstill, having it broken, casting Concentrate, Aether Burst, casting Standstill again… You know how it goes. Once the engine gets rolling, U/G is toast.

Death Metal And OBC

Blisterguy claims to be Seth Burn – and provides the photo to prove it – then gives several rough outlines of OBC decks, including a Battle Screech deck that may be more consistent because it can tutor for Screech. Oh, and more music information than you ever needed to know.

The Daily Shot: Choose Your Own Adventure!



Multiplayer Is An Art, Part 14: Drow Conspiracy

People love the single Drizzt allusion I made last time more than they love my article. More than half of the responses were about the Matron Mother. So what else is a man to do but make a Dark Elves deck that smashes face in multiplayer?

The Daily Shot: Terrible, Terrible OBC ‘Tog

I broke my promise – I didn’t play U/G or Monoblack. I played a Psychatog deck. I’ll give you the full report in a day or two, but for now, let me just show you the deck, give you some testing results, and explain a few card choices – and the changes I would have made.

Mixed Knuts: File Under “B” For Bitching

When Kai Budde sits down at a table to play Magic, he’s required to have the first words of his mouth be”I must break you.” He also needs to have a hot six-foot blonde bombshell sitting next to him for all photo-ops that he refers to as”his manager.”

Odyssey Block’s Impact on 5-Color

Last year’s Invasion block was the best block for 5-Color ever. Odyssey Block tried its hardest – and while green made out very well, some of the other colors were left wanting. So for those of you who haven’t picked up cards for your 5-Color in a while, here’s what you need to get.

The Basics of Playing the Game: Paranoia is Good

This is a primer. It discusses some basic theory; the fact that bluffing is good, revealing your hand is bad, and the main reason you should never – well, almost never – play anything during your first main phase. If you know this theory – really know it – then it won’t be much more than a refresher course, but with decklists.

How To Push

If you have ever seen a long volley, then you may have seen pushing. Watch as one tennis player keeps knocking the ball further and further left until – BAM! A line drive down the right side. But you are hardly playing against reflexes, speed, or power; just intellect. Which means that pushing means more.

The Daily Shot: Sleight Knight 1-2

Of late, many cantankerous online Magic net-nannies have seen fit to opine that every Magic article or piece of Magic writing on the Internet should serve a purpose, and leave the reader better off, strategically, than he or she was before reading. It won’t ever be that way with me.