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From Right Field: Wishing For Woodies

This one starts as a bit of a love story; I am truly falling in love with Living Wish. I know that it’s a rare.,.. But it’s another one of those rares that you just have to get. If you’re a newer player and like green, make sure to get four Living Wishes. The toolbox effect out of the sideboard can be huge.

An Open Letter to The Sideboard Staff – Post the Damned Decklists!

For Constructed events, all decklists are posted. This allows the community to dissect the results from a tournament and figure out which deck did the best statistically against the field, which matchups proved to be particularly difficult for certain decks, and which decks were just bad. Arguably, more people Draft than play Constructed tournaments – and yet they never get the sort of analysis that Constructed gets because you don’t provide us with the decklists.

Yawgmoth’s Whimsy #57: New Orleans Vignettes

Old Extended had some broken decks, but nothing like Type 1. I play TnT – Mishra’s Factories, Juggernauts, Su-Chi’s, Triskelion, plus the broken stuff: Ancestral Recall, Goblin Welder, Survival of the Fittest. I’m short one Factory, but the deck still does okay.

Double Or Nothing: Enchantress In Standard?

For those that don’t know, you need an Enchantress or Enchantress’ Presence in play and a couple of one casting-cost Enchantments out along with a Words of Wind. You play an enchantment and trigger the card drawing, then pay one to turn it into a bounce instead of drawing a card. But Deep Dog had a very hard time of losing if they got a Wild Mongrel on the table and a Basking Rootwalla in their hand….

Fun With Old Cards #6: Flashing Back to Khabal Therapy

The basis behind this entire deck lies in one sentence found in the text box of four of the deck’s creatures:”At the end of each turn, put a (+1/+1, regeneration or other) counter on (creature)”. What this means is that the creature in question doesn’t have to be in play at the time a creature goes to the graveyard in order to get a counter – hence, Wrath of God and Living Death can be followed up by a freshly-cast Ghoul and it will still get the counters!

A Tonic For White

Black has great creature removal and hand destruction. Blue has card drawing and counterspells. Green has huge cheap efficient creatures. Red has burn and land destruction. And White? Well, White has weenies, and good weenies alone aren’t a good enough reason to want to play white.

Preparing For The Event: My Plans For Pro Tour: Chicago

For most Limited tournaments in the past, the preparation has been just that: Limited. But Chicago is different from many of the major Limited tournaments I’ve participated in during my Magic career, because I have a very solid and defined plan. And I’m going to allow you guys to take a look at the terms of my complete and actual plan for Pro Tour: Chicago. We can argue about White another day – if it still sucks after Legions.

Live Coverage of Pro Tour Chicago!

Follow Sideboard’s live coverage while cheering on all of your favorite StarCityGames.com writers… Rob Dougherty, Michael Pustilnik, Mike Turian, Sol Malka, Nick Eisel, Ben Ronaldson, Ken Krouner, Nate Heiss and Geordie Tait! And while you’re at it, cheer me on for getting snowed in and not being able to make the trip. Sigh.

Multiplayer Is An Art, Part 23: Time Regression With Highlander

Look, your test group might think that life gaining is fun – but excuse me, I know no such people. And it’s not for lack of idiots; there are quite the group of morons at my store. So do not blame it at that I am a too”Johnny: kind of player. Timmy hates life gaining too – at least over here in the Netherlands.

Jim And Ted’s Excellent Adventure

He won our New Orleans contest and we flew him down there… And by God, he’s going to tell you what happened! Wanna hear about his unprecendented 4-1-1 run? How about the Osyp-and-Antonio show on Bourbon Street? His drinking escapades? How about how Ted Knutson showed his… Hell, you’ll just have to read it.

From Right Field: How To Go Home Again

Many people – well, a few, anyway – noticed that I didn’t do a piece last week. The reason is simple. I was still recovering from my trip to Grand Prix New Orleans! You see, the StarCity folks found out that I had gone to Tulane and hadn’t been back in fifteen years… So they thought that I’d like the trip. Plus, they wanted me to be a tour guide of sorts. How could I say no?

My Virgin Vintage Voyage

At Nationals last year, I started trading for the Power Nine. Being a judge, you get those nice judge foils and boxes for judging at Pro Tours and Grand Prix – but no old cards. At Reims, I managed to get the last part: A Mox Ruby. Now all I had to do was wait for the new year before I could play with my goodies.

The Peasants Have Been Corrupted By Greed And Vice: The Flaws Of Peasant Magic And Some Decks

Peasant Magic’s rules are very simple: The only cards allowed are commons from any set (which does include Portal, Unglued, and so forth), and you can also have up to five of any uncommon. No banned list, no restricted list. So simple, so elegant. And ultimately, so wrong.

Flagpole Opposition

This is not an archetype to be glossed over. Extended is not nearly the insanely fast format we knew years ago. There is plenty of time for a lock-type deck to operate, and this one is incredibly powerful.

Dominia Dominance

Justice, Finkel, Buehler, Long, Maher – the list of Magic Players who owned the Pro Tour in the past is a nice short one. Right now, only one man rules the Pro Tour and everyone knows his name: Kai Budde.