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Insider Trading: Becoming a Better Trader Part I – Preparation

Successful traders know that trading Magic: the Gathering can often be just as rewarding as playing the game itself, if not moreso. In this article series, I am going to share a significant portion of what I learned about trading as I evolved from random player into America’s largest Magic: the Gathering singles dealer. I will also provide you with a step-by-step guide to becoming a better trader yourself. This will require a considerable amount of time and effort on your part, but you should begin reaping the rewards rather quickly.

Digi-Cardz.com – Every MTGO card in stock!

The Worst Draft Decks You’ve Ever Seen

Some of these decks are funny enough that I thought to include a few for your enjoyment. These are examples of the absolute worst draft decks ever, and I hope that you enjoy them. To better illustrate how I got from three sealed booster packs to forty-five cards of poo, I’ll tell you how the draft started, what went wrong, and more.

Shortbus Severance Belcher in Action

Shortbus Severance Belcher (or SSB) was one of the hot new decks to come out of StarCityGames.com Power 9 Syracuse and its designer is back with a tournament report and instructional guide just in time for this weekend’s Power 9 in Chicago. If you are looking for a few pointers on one of the latest control-combo decks to hit the Vintage scene, you must read this article.

Peasant Magic Week: The Winner, And Next Week’s Contest!

First of all, did anyone guess the reason why we had Peasant Magic on this week, of all weeks? It’s because this week ends on April 15th – a day when many American citizens are poorer. See, we’re so clever.

(For you foreigners, April 15th is tax day in America. We love it.)

In any case, Peasant Magic week was a good week for articles, with some of the highest-quality stuff we’ve seen yet. But in the end, it came down to two last-minute submissions: Roman Pazuniak’s How Many Ways Can You Go Infinite On A Common-Based Engine? and Dave Wong’s Peasant Magic: The Six-Deck Gauntlet, Plus The Commons You Must Own. It was a tough decision, since Dave brought some Peasantry experience to the table, whereas Roman’s decks were consistently neat. (Well, except for the ElfClamp deck, but you had to get that one out of the way.) In the end, experience won out in an extremely close call, and Dave took the $20 prize!

This week’s challenge?

Multiplayer Lockdown.

That’s right; we want to hear about your deck that shuts multiple opponents down in some interesting way. Tell us how it works, what decks it works well against, and more importantly what fiendish combo you’ve created to dominate (and, lest we forget, win) the game. Then send that puppy into Mail us at https://sales.starcitygames.com/contactus/contactform.php?emailid=2!

From Right Field: The All-Natural, No-Artificial-Enhancements Installment

A couple of times a year, I like to publicly answer some e-mail that I’ve received over the past few months. I do this for a couple of reasons. First, a lot of questions are asked over and over. By doing this type of column, I can answer several people at once. Second, I get a quick column full of cheap laughs when I was otherwise stumped for material.

SCG Daily – The Battle for Kamigawa Chapter Five: School at Water’s Edge

Once again on his feet, Hashi’s stomach rumbled. Though he no suffered from injuries or fever, he was ravenous, and could barely wait to eat. As if cued, a small woman with white face paint entered his room bearing a tray. Setting it on the one small table in the room she bowed and left. Lifting the cloth, the odor of fresh, hot wantons and vegetable soup wafted up to Hashi’s grateful nose.

So this WAS the Metagame

Flores takes another look at White Weenie today, including testing one of the decks forum-goers touted as considerably better than Mike’s Weenie lists from last week. He also throws the Weenie variations against a testing gauntlet from the French Regionals results that are slowly trickling in. If you are playing Standard any time soon, this article is not to be missed.

Sealed Revealed from the Pros Vol. 3

Today Tim takes a decklist from the Managing Editor involving 17 Tails worth of legend and tells him exactly how he screwed things up.

The Magic Jerk: Your Sealed Deck Lucky Charms

Here’s the problem with Sealed Deck: you get an unopened pack of cards and have to build a deck out of it. How many rares in there? Three. How many boosters? Two. So that’s a grand total of five rares, which means you get five chances to open a Kumano, Meloku, Jitte or random (non-Red) Dragon. Oh you didn’t open up one of those? Oh darn, unless you’re really good at Magic the chances of you Top 8’ing this PTQ just went down dramatically. Now if you’re an unlucky sap like me, you’d better grab a cup of coffee and read the rest of this article, because you’ll probably be opening a lot of Misako’s and Swirl the Mists this season.

The Color Wheel: Black

Many people think that the color of Yawgmoth’s Will needs little if any tweaking. I agree wholeheartedly. Black is the best understood color (despite that whole “can it be good, not evil?” issue), and it has had the most consistent abilities for ten years as a result. Black is a color with a little of everything, from good, reliable mechanics to good, reliable weaknesses. As a consequence of being so well mapped-out, Black teaches us a lot that can inform design and reformation of other colors’ abilities.

SCG Daily – The Battle for Kamigawa Chapter Four: The Fevered Dream

As Hashi fell from the destroyed bridge, the wind ripped the air from his lungs. During his descent he tumbled head over foot; through sheer luck, he impacted the water with his feet pointed straight down. The impact buckled his knees and twisted one of his ankles, knocking the wind out of him. Pressing his way back to the surface, he gulped cold air. The new pack that Fumiko had given him was airtight, and served as a floatation device while he checked himself for injuries.

Playing Fair

Mike claims that the deck he discusses in this article just might be the best Constructed deck he’s ever designed. Okay fine, those who know Mike know that he says this sort of thing at least once a month, but what if he’s right?

Grim Long and the Impact of Portal on Vintage

In the first months of 2004, we threw together some Grim Tutor variants of the deck in preparation for what we believed would be a forthcoming announcement. We did some preliminary testing and tuning and then we waited. And waited. And waited and waited and waited. Finally, the announcement came. Now that people are concerned about the deck, some even claiming (absurdly) that Grim Tutor needs restriction. This article is going to demystify Grim Tutor and introduce Grim Long by tying my experience with all three incarnations of the Long.dec archetype together to provide a solid foundation for your own testing.

Sealed Luck #2

Two PTQs, two sealed decks, one saucy, one not. Oh, and one burning question: Is Ornate Kanizashi playable in the maindeck in Betrayers Sealed? Did Martin Dingler complete his 1200km trek with a spot on the Pro Tour like Craig Stevenson achieved last week? You’ll have to read it to find out.

SCG Daily – The Battle for Kamigawa Chapter Three: The Bandit King of Tendo Pass

After he had buried Ishita next to his family, Hashi rested on a rectangular stone that had once been part of his home’s foundation. He contemplated the blisters that ridged both palms, cracked and stinging, then clenched his fists until blood ran from his fingers, letting it fall on the freshly turned earth.