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Food for Thought – Hop on the Trike

You know that Mono-Blue Urzatron deck that’s been floating around Magic Online, but that no one has really written about yet? Well Quentin Martin has the inside scoop on what the deck looks like and what it plays like. If you want something fun, goofy, and quite controlly to play at Regionals, this might be your lucky day.

The Obligatory Type One Saviors of Kamigawa Review

While I call these set reviews “The Obligatory…”, I didn’t do one for Betrayers. Betrayers really didn’t seem very interesting and it was really hard trying to justify an entire article when the only card that I thought that would see play was Ninja of Deep Hours. In the end, I think that Umezawa’s Jitte is really the only other card from that set that is seeing play, unlike Champions where more and more cards are seeing play as time goes on. Saviors, on the other hand, looks packed with cards that appear to be both powerful, interesting, or both.

SCG Daily: A Rogue’s Tale, Part III

Yesterday, I mentioned how competitive I was. A lot of people would never believe that. They see me playing cheap, rogue decks. They see me laugh while playing, sometimes even when I’m losing. How could this guy be competitive? He’s losing, and he’s having fun.
Trust me. I am.

Saviors of Kamigawa First Impressions: Gems and Duds

Nick’s been drafting the new set a lot since the prerelease and has compiled a solid list of cards that are either falling well short of the hype, or that are absolutely dominating some drafts. Which ones are which? Now that would be cheating… Regardless, this article should give a nice boost to your Saviors Limited learning curve.

Troll and Nail

The Invitational Winner discusses his winning deck, the unconventional sideboard plan he developed for it, and how he developed the best version of what is widely considered the best deck in Standard.

First Impressions of Saviors in Kamigawa Block Limited: Black and Red

“Since I first started writing this article, I have been waiting to talk about this card. It is so much fun when it’s in the right deck, yet so useless when you don’t have enough triggers for it. I first learnt of its powers when Tim Aten taught us all a lesson in a draft at the Invitational.” What card is Sam talking about? You’ll have to check inside to find out!

Magic: The Annoying And The Prize At The End Of The Box

We’ll be honest with you in the blurb here and tell you that the editors didn’t really know how to classify this article, but it includes a spiffy new Extended decklist at the very end, so we’ve placed it here in Strategy. However, before you get to the decklist, Richie speaks his mind about the state of Magic, the Player Rewards program, and the Top 6 Things He Dislikes about the game today.

SGC Daily: A Rogue’s Tale, Part II

At the end of yesterday’s column, I was telling you about my crazy, stupid early days in Magic (Winter 1998 – Spring 1999). They had nothing to do with winning or figuring out the best cards for our decks. It was about hanging out with the gang…

It’s Easy Saving Green: The Impact of Saviors of Kamigawa on Green Decks for Regionals

I will most likely be playing some flavor of Green deck for Regionals, since there are just too many good cards in that color not to play Green. Between all the mana-fixing, graveyard recursion, anti-artifact and enchantment weapons wrapped up in an army of tidy little beaters, you have the best creature base in the game, bar none. What goodies will Saviors of Kamigawa bring to the table to for the plethora of Green-based decks swarming the red zone?

Saviors in Standard: Highlights, New Decks, and Prophesies

Rick Rust delivers an awesome article today, taking apart what Saviors of Kamigawa has to offer the best decks in Standard as part of his set review, and then proposing not one, not two, but an astounding nine possible decks that try to abuse the new set including what could be a very saucy Reanimator build. This is great Regionals preparation for netdeckers and rogue players alike.

SGC Daily: A Rogue’s Tale, Part I

One of the most common questions I get is “Why do you – of all people – write a column about budget decks?” Pull up a swivel chair, and let me tell you some things about me, things that drive what I do in From Right Field and how I do it.

Magical Hack: Saviors in Standard, Part Deux

Since he returned to Magic writing, Sean McKeown has produced some of the most knowledgeable and useful articles on the Regionals metagame seen this year, and this article is no different. It does however, include some spicy meatballs in terms of decklists, including two proposed Celestial Kirin Control decks and a first draft at breaking Enduring Ideal.

Preparing for Rochester

Having trouble deciding what to play in Rochester? You probably should be… the results of Richmond probably add to the confusion. Hopefully, I’ll be able to shed some light on the situation, giving you some guidelines for your deck choice at what will surely be the hottest American Vintage tournament of the year.

From Right Field: What I Played at 2005 Regionals

If you’ve read my columns over the years, you’ll know that I like White. I don’t want to get into the psycho-social reasons for that. Suffice it say, I like White. With Regionals about three weeks away, readers have been flooding my e-mail in-box with one question: What Will Dr. Romeo Be Playing at Regionals?

SCG Daily – Vintage Food for Thought: OMG, a Budget Deck!

I am struck with deck ideas all the time. Most of them are crap and I acknowledge that. However, it is critical to document your ideas. Most of my good ideas have started out as a crap idea that I shelved and then something strikes me and suddenly I get an “aha” moment and the idea clicks. Today’s deck is one such example.