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Champions and Betrayers Cards on the Move

Last time, I took an early look of some Saviors cards that I thought would prove to be influential in the new format. I want to pick up where I left off and also talk about a favorite archetype of mine, while discussing some Champions and Betrayers cards to keep an eye on.

Yawgmoth’s Whimsy #127: Wildebeesties

Wildebeests now come in all flavors, and I’ll look at all the tricks that can be done with them. I’ll concentrate on Standard right now, since U.S. Regionals is the next big tourney. Block has nothing worth considering, but I will do one multiplayer deck, just to show how tricky the deck can be if the format has the right cards.

Meeting Maro Halfway

Mark Rosewater argues that the modern glut of keywords is generally positive, and that while Sweep was a dud, so many other worded abilities are still valid. As a vocal critic of this practice, I felt the need to make a few counterpoints, corrections and criticisms of this new article. There are some good points that I agree with, but sometimes the facts that Rosewater presents don’t point to the conclusions he draws.

SCG Daily – Road Trip!

Dave Meddish isn’t necessarily one of the most popular writers on our site, but his stint on the Daily this week has been second to none in terms of fun, readable content. If you haven’t stopped in to see what Dave has to say, might I recommend today as a good time to do so? After you read about Dave’s amazing road trips, you can then catch up on the rest of his dailies this week at the bottom of the page.

It’s Not Old, Baby – It’s Vintage: Shooting Stars

Zvi explains his deck choice, his performance, his thoughts on the format, what he’d change if he had to do it again, goes over his Hall of Fame recommendations, and asks YOU to help him pick what to write about next.

Sticking To Your Guns.. Or Not?

One thing that seems to come up all the time when discussing draft picks or just draft in general is when you should stick to your color and when you should branch out by either choosing a second color or even switching one color for another. In my opinion, this is usually the hardest decision that you make in a draft. Seems like a good topic to write about then, no?

You CAN Play Type I #150: Three Draw Spells That Might Slip Under The Radar

Oscar takes a peek at what Saviors has to offer Vintage players and finds three draw spells that might go overlooked.

SCG Daily: Taking Care of Business

Let me crank up the Wayback Machine to about eight years ago. I had just been laid off from my job as a computer game designer after putting in about a year of crunch time on a failed project (this, sadly, would become a theme of my time in the game biz, but that’s neither here nor there). Coincidentally, friend and fellow Magic player Brad Irwin, who was managing the game portion of the local Book & Game store, had also been laid off and decided now was the time to follow through with his dream of opening his own game store and was looking for partners. Was I interested?

Yawgmoth’s Whimsy #121: My Five Favorite Decks

In January, I was working on a series of articles on the history of Extended, but I kept veering off and writing about my favorite Extended decks. To force myself back on topic in those articles, I started a separate article about my all-time favorite decks. These are my choices for my all-time favorite decks – with the caveat that the newest weirdness I am working on always qualifies, right up until I have it done and working.

Heretic’s Corner: DCI Tournament Procedures

If you have ever been to a tournament, you know that you play matches against people, and the results are recorded and used to determine what happens from round to round, but have you ever thought about why certain things happen one way and not another? I would not expect most people to have done this, but I have, and here are some observations that I have made. Some of you may consider some of my ideas on what to do with tiebreakers and the like radical, but I think we can find a better system than what we currently have.

Timmy, Johnny, and Spike Meet Wakefield, Flores, and Zvi

In the past few articles, we’ve looked over a lot of potential growth decks, and pored over very dry statistics about pre-Saviors Standard. The summation of all of this is to hope to learn how to play post-Saviors Standard, by means of analyzing the situation at hand and learning the rules of deckbuilding that are forced by the cards in the format. The most powerful cards in the format dictate how you play it, and the strongest sets of synergy rise to the top and form the decks we play. Today we’re going to look at your options for tweaking the best decks and turning them into unstoppable killing machines.

First Impressions of Saviors in Kamigawa Block Limited: Green and Artifacts

Sam wraps up his Saviors of Kamigawa first impressions by discussing what may be the most powerful color in the block: Green.

Lessons Learned From Umezawa’s Jitte

This article has some discussion about a little bit of everything, but the fact that it is another excellent article from Richard Feldman should be more than enough to get all of you to read it.

SCG Daily: Winning Isn’t Everything…

Dave takes ya’ll back to the concrete streets, original beats with real live MCs, back to the days when getting sanctioning for your tournament required mafia connections and Wizards sanctioning meant single elimination…

Rant Week

Jamie has some things he wants to get off his chest this week about certain Standard artifacts, Magic R&D, and Hal Jordan.